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Me and my girlfriend have been together for the past year and a half. A few months ago she said something about seeing other people. I didn't like the idea very well...so she just said not to worry about it. Well today...while talking on the phone she brought it up again. What is she feeling, and what should I say or do? PLEASE HELP ME.....e-mail me some advice to <e-mail address removed>

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There's got to be a good reason why she wants to see other people. If she's young, that's one reason for sure.


You should ask her what she's feeling. She's the only one who knows. But you need to let her do what she wants and take some time to see other people yourself.


The more you try to keep somebody around when they want to be free, the more they will resent it. I know you don't like the idea but your lady is free to go in whatever direction she chooses.

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