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Since I heard many people would say difference words to other people.For example:


The 1st person said," They're smart"


The 2nd person said," They're intelligence"


why can't 2 people can say the same thing? since "Smart" person is like " intelligence" person,right? I have a little confused on that


Can you tell what's the difference among Smart, Intelligence, Intellectual,Sensible,?



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a person who is smart is able to think quickly or cleverly in difficult situations. a smart person is also a person who has a lot of knowledge, or knows a lot of things on a particular subject or a variey of subjects.


intelligent means the same thing.


an intellectual is a highly educated person whose interests are studying and other activities that involve careful thinking and mental effort.


someone who is sensible has good judgment, particularly when it is based on practical ideas or understanding e.g. it looks like it might rain today, so it would be sensible to take an umbrella.


but don't be fooled....there are many intelligent people who aren't very sensible. sensibility is not mutually exclusive to how smart/intelligent a person is. that is, someone who is ver smart, may not be sensible - your professor at university might see that it looks like it will rain, but not bring an umbrella.

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YOU ASK: "Can you tell what's the difference among Smart, Intelligence, Intellectual,Sensible,?"


If only I were intelligence enough, I could answer. I do like to dress Smart. My computer has an Intellectual Pentium III thingy in the hard drive. It's more centsible to carry quarters and larger change for fones.


I look to President George W. Bush for intelligence use of the Inglesh language. He is bery smart.

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...lol...tony, you've been taking lessons from my 6 year old nephew, haven't you? it's waaaaay past your bedtime, matey and you're starting to slur (could it be the brandy in the milk?) :)

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YOU RITE: "you're starting to slur (could it be the brandy in the milk?)"


I resemble that remark. And whut's a lettle milk in my brandey going to hert?

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