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Your dating patterns...


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Just a quick quiz...generally speaking, after how many dates do you usually know if the person is a long termer or long term possibility. You know how they say when going to a job interview, the employer has already made up their mind in the first 20 seconds of seeing you, well is it the same for dating? For me, usually by the 2nd or 3rd date I know weather or not I really like the person, and my opinion of them after that is pretty set in stone...


How about you?

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Variable.... sometimes you get a red flag straight away, otherwise I tend on principle to take it one date at a time.

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one cannot really tell all the time....sometimes i know right away on 1st date this one will be bangable for 2 or 3 months at most. other times I thought same thing and dated her for 2 yrs.....whatever.

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