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I love this, thank you.



I think you want to remind him of your existence. You want to show him that you still care. Well, he doesn't because he already showed you that when he cheated on you. A text from you will look to him this way -- "I cheated on her and she's wishing me happy birthday!" He'll probably snicker, laugh, inflate his ego and devalue you even more.


Feel your moods, just don't react on them.

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Yes I'm keeping my pride and keeping NC, thank you :)


Kelley you might be the lovlest lady around but please don't send a message to him he really doesn't deserve it and you, keep your pride I know its hard I've been like that many times but I grit my teeth and pushed through it, I still want to do it but I am alot more stronger now to fight it, I really wish you all the best x
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Thank you, thing is I don't need closure he has moved on and has a girlfriend (the woman he cheated on me with, but claims not to love as he still loves me (take with a lot of salt). Thinking about it, and typing the above I won't be sending anything, I'm best keeping NC for my own wellbeing and moving on.


If you were the one he loved you would be on vacation with him celebrating his B-day. Don't believe that stuff. Definitely don't contact him to wish him a happy b-day, besides he's away on vacation.

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We all know what you're going through. Hang in there! Even though I am further down the healing process, I have had thoughts about reaching out to my ex. It's never easy to shake off feelings. It's a process.


Ride the emotional rollercoaster - some days you will feel stronger than others. One day, you will even wonder why you cared so much for someone who didn't care at all.

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Don't. I sent my ex a huge text for her birthday, and got nothing back on mine(20 days apart). It's just unnecessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I don't know how everyone else is doing, but I'm tired from the sleepless nights and I still don't have my appetite back. I have lost 14 pounds in weight (I could spare it, just) and I just feel like a rung out dishcloth most days. The heartbreak diet is a nightmare, looking forward to my appetite and sleep getting back to normal! How is everyone else doing?

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hi Kelley,

I assume we are going through similiar situation. though I am sure, my relationship is pretty infantile to even qualify a breakup. However, we sisters gotta do what we need to do. I have started a thread where I will post my daily activities to claim my-self back. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/breaking-up-reconciliation-coping/coping/600130-self-recovery_one-day-time

. Hope you can join me. And hope today is a better day,

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I run, started yoga and walk my dog over 5 miles a day and still my sleep is rubbish!


have you hit the gym? it really works. I wasnt convinced until I moved my ass and tried it myself.
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Ha, the Heartbreak Diet's extremely effective. ;) I remember back in my time I lost like 30+ lbs. (Unfortunately I didn't actually need to lose any. :p)

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Can somebody please remind me why an ex that cheated on you, chose her is in a relationship with her would keep trying to contact you? I have received an e-mail (blocked him), he turned up at my work and has hand written me two letters now. I have been NC for almost 4 weeks. I don't want the scumbag back just baffled why he keeps trying? He says he misses me, loves me but hasn't said anything about getting back together so what is the point anyway? :rolleyes:

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Can somebody please remind me why an ex that cheated on you, chose her is in a relationship with her would keep trying to contact you? I have received an e-mail (blocked him), he turned up at my work and has hand written me two letters now. I have been NC for almost 4 weeks. I don't want the scumbag back just baffled why he keeps trying? He says he misses me, loves me but hasn't said anything about getting back together so what is the point anyway? :rolleyes:


He needs an egoboost, wants to see if he can get you back after the sh*t he put you through?

The way you describe him he sounds like a real sleezebag though, lot's of men out there that will treat you better, not worth your time.

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My ex did the same thing. The grass wasn't greener. It's a way to see if you still have feelings. If he was happy with the new chick he wouldn't go out of the way to bump into you.

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my ex did the same thing and contacted me when things werent going well with the other girl.


id say stay NC because its either that or he needs an ego boost and you are far better without all of this.

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He's definitely missing what he once had. In other words, he's regretting his decision/s and has finally began to realize what he's lost in the process of his preposterous actions.


You're doing incredibly well to keep him and yourself at bay, so kudos to you... and I'll say to you a term of which I believe most females say to each other to promote motivation and triumph: 'You go girl' :laugh:

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He realises that new girl isn't all that and that he gave up gold for copper...


Leave him get on with it and carry on ignoring him.

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I remember when Zahara gave me a kick up the bum when I was thinking of sending him a birthday message, when he had gone away with his new girlfriend to celebrate it! I think it was the first week NC, I was all over the place. Basically she said where is your self respect? At that time my confidence was shot, I missed him even after what he put me through! NC has allowed me to see him for what he really is! There is no way I would take him back. I remain NC and it gets better each day. Why would I take the scumbag back after he treated me like **** and she has had her hands all over him, he has had sex with her! No thanks!

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I read a lot about people struggling with no contact. I'm almost 4 weeks in now and let me tell you, I know where you are coming from! Why the hell I wanted to contact me ex after he cheated on me and then made her his new girlfriend is now beyond me! I mean come on where was my self worth, my respect? I will tell you that first week my confidence and self respect was down the toilet. My head and heart were screaming out for their 'fix'. Just one message, go on send it.


The times I wrote messages on my phone and then deleted them, e-mails and also deleted those. I stead fast, held on and didn't reach out. As the days went on, sure it was hard but I was starting to take a step back and I could finally see him for what he was! Don't go by words, texts and e-mails think about how he behaved.


NC brings you peace and time to recover. It enables you to find your self worth again. When you respond to those breadcrumb texts you are disrespecting you, and staying put in the hurt. Be strong, heal and move on. NC proves how strong you are and in turn rewards you with healing. I'm feeling so much better than day 1. Still a way to go, but everyday is a step away from the hurt. Put you first and stay NC.

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It does work.


If we use the time to heal. Regain our peace of mind. Forgive ourselves. Learn from the experience.


Too often we see people trying to use NC as a gimmick to get their ex back. Spend their time moping rather than getting better. Worry about being "mean" to the ex - the person who betrayed you.


If there is a time to be selfish, No Contact is it.


Use NC as a time to heal and it will work.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can somebody please remind me why an ex that cheated on you, chose her is in a relationship with her would keep trying to contact you? I have received an e-mail (blocked him), he turned up at my work and has hand written me two letters now. I have been NC for almost 4 weeks. I don't want the scumbag back just baffled why he keeps trying? He says he misses me, loves me but hasn't said anything about getting back together so what is the point anyway? :rolleyes:


Hi Kelley just wondering how you are doing now? Very similar situation to me, My ex of 5 years cheated on me and is now in a relationship with the girl. Did your ex still try and contact you? I can't imagine mine doing that. Are you still doing NC? Does it help? I can't go completely NC as i need to talk to him about our house we are now trying to sell.


Just read through your thread now and it gives me hope that i can get to the place you now seem to be at x

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He has now stopped contacting me, he wrote a few letters wanting me back but I didn't answer and kept NC. For me NC was a lifesaver it really helped me to move on and start healing. I'm in such a better place now no anxiety (I was having panic attacks, not sleeping) to now I sleep, I'm not anxious and no heavy heart. I worked a lot on letting my feelings out in a journal and writing e-mails I never sent. It was so hard getting over the cheating and comparing myself at the beginning to her, but it was nothing to do with me, it was down to him and his actions. He loved me at some point for me, he changed.


You will get there just concentrate on you and if you can at any point go NC. Think about your life and what you want to do. I have filled mine with a lot of things I'm enjoying that I didn't have time for before. I'm happy on my own, and I will get to the point where I want to start dating again, but I'm in no rush. I do still love him and sometimes miss the guy I fell in love with, but that will fade in time. I wish you all the best x


Hi Kelley just wondering how you are doing now? Very similar situation to me, My ex of 5 years cheated on me and is now in a relationship with the girl. Did your ex still try and contact you? I can't imagine mine doing that. Are you still doing NC? Does it help? I can't go completely NC as i need to talk to him about our house we are now trying to sell.


Just read through your thread now and it gives me hope that i can get to the place you now seem to be at x

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Thank you, thing is I don't need closure he has moved on and has a girlfriend (the woman he cheated on me with, but claims not to love as he still loves me (take with a lot of salt). Thinking about it, and typing the above I won't be sending anything, I'm best keeping NC for my own wellbeing and moving on.


I'm glad you are taking that statement with a grain of salt. Does it make sense to you that he is in love with you but chose to be with her? Of course not. Don't ever speak to him again.

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I haven't spoken to him maintained NC and totally moved on. If you are in love with someone you don't move onto someone else that quickly. If you do it won't last, he didn't last with her and wanted me back. I just re-read my thread and I remember saying when he realises what he has lost I will have moved on, and that's exactly what happened!


I'm glad you are taking that statement with a grain of salt. Does it make sense to you that he is in love with you but chose to be with her? Of course not. Don't ever speak to him again.
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