Author ktya Posted October 5, 2016 Author Share Posted October 5, 2016 ktya: Please let your x-gf seek treatment in peace. If you took any time to understand bipolar disorder, you would know that substance abuse and bipolar disease go hand in hand. Being disinterested in sex can be a side effect of the medications, but going on a crystal meth bender is one of the side effects of going without them. I have read a lot about bipolar disorder. I started looking into it when not only was there sexual dysfunction but some very bizarre arguments coming out of nowhere. I got yelled at while cooking dinner in a one sided rant for saying "I love you" and wrecking everyone's night the night before once. She had blacked out things she said while sober. She screamed at me for telling my uncle she offered to buy me plane tickets to get to my aunt's funeral (which I thought was a kind gesture but I declined) a week after the funeral was over. When I realized these were symptoms of a bipolar episode I gently encouraged her to take her meds each day, but no matter how gentle I was about it she would just get annoyed. We did have a clinical pharmacist review her meds and she gave us research that she took to her psych. The psych took her off certain meds that had high sexual dysfunction rates, and birth control has this side effect so we eventually got her off the birth control and if that helped, she was going to get an IUD. She went off her meds when she went off the BC- her routine got changed. I dont particularly like cheating either, and I understand a lot of people in this thread think this is a moral issue. Not having sex more than every 50 days and having some of those intimate moments having your girlfriend so dead drunk she falls asleep during the act isn't exactly passion. Once she dressed up in lingere and as we were getting going I looked up and noticed she was passed out. This was at 6:50pm. I'm sorry but I'm a man and I have needs. We were trying to work through sexual dysfunction for months and months and between some medical issue and the excessive drinking (I had to carry her to bed 4-6 nights a week deadlift) something had to give. So dont shoot me for seeking something to release the pressure. On the STD issue it wasn't hookers or randoms or girls I was out picking up for sport, these were girls I have known for years, exes who are friends. Lets ditch the morals portion. Yes cheating is wrong. The topic of the thread is about roommate etiquette, staying out of other people's relationships and minding your own business. These aren't even roommates, they are actually tenants and I'm the landlord. This isn't a bunch of friends who moved in together, these are people who are renting a room off of me off of craigslist. Link to post Share on other sites
merrmeade Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 I'll preface this. My now ex girlfriend had been suffering from medication - induced sexual dysfunction for months. A drug called risperidone with a 50% sexual dysfunction rate and then birth control pills made it worse. Her psych took her off the risperidone to try to solve the problem, then when that didn't work we opted to wing it and take her off the birth control and if that fixed it then she was going to get an IUD. This dysfunction went on from about April thru to September when she broke up with me. As a backgrounder we used to have sex up to 6 times a day, every day when there was no monthly bill at least. It went from once a day at least down to once in 50. My gf (or now ex gf) also developed one hell of a drinking problem - I'm talking drinking until she passed out on the kitchen table, on the floor, she even concussed herself by banging her head into the shower tile (which she broke with her skull). I was carrying her to bed 4-6 tiimes a week deadlift. Hard to get in the mood when you're carrying her like a practical dead body so she can make it to work. I loved her and a bunch of my exes understood my suffering (hey, they were my exes they knew my sex drive) and helped me out here and there while I tried to ride out the problem because they were empathetic (I'm friends with almost all of my exes, honestly I have to say I am lucky to have such cool exes, one even gave my gf a $600 purse). Obviously this was supposed to be a discreet arrangement. I rent rooms in my house to people that neither my gf nor I or my exes know so there is no friendships involved. As discreet as I have been about my infidelity, I have had roommates ratting me out. Despite telling my gf whenever these women came over and ensuring nobody saw anything, not making noise, these roommates have been ratting me out. I have tried to do it when nobody was home, or when everyone was sleeping, or when everyone was hanging out in their room. If we popped into my bedroom for a quickie we would even pop the door to make sure nobody was around and then pop out fully dressed. Making matters worse, as I am friends with all my exes sometimes they literally just pop by, not for sex but just to hang out for a bit. For example one goes by my house on transit twice a day because that's the way she gets to work and back home. I can hardly deny an ex-fiancee the opportunity to use the bathroom and chill for 15-20 while she waits for a bus and make her wait across the street squirming. I had one guy (roommate) actually get mad about one of those bathroom and bus wait visits - and nothing happened other than her taking a piss and we hung out in the backyard for a bit. I would always think that if you are renting a room from your landlord, or even just sharing a house with friends, you stay the f**k out of their own relationship business. I mean, you live together so you are going to be privvy to some pretty personal stuff and you just wouldn't get involved. I could see if it was your friend who was getting cheated on, that's different. Or if the roommate was your friend, having a word with him/her. But telling the roommates gf/bf about the infidelity when you have no real relationship with him/her or the gf/bf seems to me like sticking the nose in other people's business. I only post this because I've had this happen a few times with different girlfriends in different situations with different roommates and it's positively infuriating. How do you deal with these kinds of people or the fallout from the damage that they cause? I dont set out to cheat but sometimes things happen especially when sexual dysfunction or long periods of absence are involved. I'm getting sick of this. When I rent rooms I even stipulate that people do not get involved in other people's relationships because I've seen it third party as well and it causes nothing but a hell hole to live in until they leave. Obviously not having roommates is an answer, but in this city it is very expensive to live so financially this isn't really an option - it can be up to $1400 for a batchelor suite here. I'm tired of getting outed by people who barely know me or my girlfriends. I think your practice of infidelity and the kind that tends to pass through this forum are worlds apart. I also think on reading your previous threads that you came here hoping for a more sympathetic group of listeners. Should’ve done your homework, ktya. The infidelity forum is frequented by people who’ve been hurt by infidelity or who have hurt someone else as a result of cheating. My question is why are you posting in the infidelity forum? Seems a little unfair to everyone, including you. I mean as a matter of logic, your “problem” is a result of the infidelity, but you have no questions, issue or concern about that or even the loss of your girlfriend. So some are so shocked by your lifestyle and dismissive attitude toward the infidelity and can’t get beyond it, which means you are not getting the topic addressed that you posted about. I mean it’d be a little more relevant if the discussion dealt with the cause of the neighbors’ reaction. Or maybe examine what actually bothers them — the infidelity that bothers the roommates or just plain jealousy? At first, I bounced from incredulity to hilarity that the the really tragic aspects of your story (losing a girlfriend you loved, watching her decline into alcoholism, dealing with her mental illness) were just background information for your question: Why would complete strangers want to mess with a perfectly discreet arrangement that didn’t affect them? But really the most incongruous combination of concepts was this paragraph:I loved her and a bunch of my exes understood my suffering (hey, they were my exes they knew my sex drive) and helped me out here and there while I tried to ride out the problem because they were empathetic (I'm friends with almost all of my exes, honestly I have to say I am lucky to have such cool exes, one even gave my gf a $600 purse). Changed my mind. I’m not going to explain it. How would it help you? I feel like this poster from a couple of threads ago: ....this thread is so outrageous and appalling. It's like coming upon a terrible accident . . . you're afraid to look and yet, you feel compelled to look. I'm viewing this whole thing as a reminder to think about my SO and just how good I have it . . . while thinking of that young woman and the fact that she may be throwing her life away and he's watching it happen. I have seen a number of threads here from OP's who are one-dimensional but I'm still not "used" to it. But, you're right, we are beating a dead horse . . . If you thought that was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. My advice is simply to go back to the Dating forum. It’s going to get even bloodier here. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author ktya Posted October 5, 2016 Author Share Posted October 5, 2016 Yea maybe this was the wrong place. I saw the "Infidelity" forum but maybe I should have posted this in the OM/OW forum. I dont want to salt in the wounds of those who are hurting by betrayal. On the "rapey" bs she told me stone cold sober I could do her in her sleep as long as I didn't wake her up. The topic came up because I love morning sex and woke her up a few times trying to get it on. Plus with that kind of drinking (blackout, passing out, falling on the floor) she was passed out all the time. Maybe you dont think this is normal and neither do I (most girlfriends I've had have been happy to have me wake them up with a big surprise once in a while) but this is the context of a discussion we had together. All relationships are different and it was a mutual understanding. You can't call me "rapey" when she takes the time to put on lingere right down to the stockings and calls me into the bedroom then when I look up she's passed out. Obviously she was down and into the act. Take off the feminist goggles and realize I'm just a man who wants to do his girlfriend, not some creep at a party who sees a passed out girl and taking advantage of her. We lived together FFS. Link to post Share on other sites
Lois_Griffin Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 You can't call me "rapey" when she takes the time to put on lingere right down to the stockings and calls me into the bedroom then when I look up she's passed out. Obviously she was down and into the act. Take off the feminist goggles and realize I'm just a man who wants to do his girlfriend, not some creep at a party who sees a passed out girl and taking advantage of her. We lived together FFS. Oh please, with the nonsensical 'feminist' comments. This whole pitiful thread has been nothing but a self-indulgent brag fest about what a stud you are. Monkeys can screw anything they want all day long too, so it's not exactly a testament to your manly virility that you're using some passed out woman to get off on all day long. Just imagine what a productive human being you could be if you took all that wasted time you've spent living for your genitals and actually did something worthwhile with it - like getting an education or working hard to advance your career? Then you wouldn't have to worry about your Craigslist tenants ratting you out for your savage behavior, would you? You're welcome. 4 Link to post Share on other sites
CarrieT Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 OP, having sex with a girl who is passed out isn't "rapey." It *is* RAPE. The fact that you live together or that she put on lingerie is beside the point. If she was not conscious during the act - to assent or decline - than it is rape. 7 Link to post Share on other sites
hotgurl Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 Yea maybe this was the wrong place. I saw the "Infidelity" forum but maybe I should have posted this in the OM/OW forum. I dont want to salt in the wounds of those who are hurting by betrayal. On the "rapey" bs she told me stone cold sober I could do her in her sleep as long as I didn't wake her up. The topic came up because I love morning sex and woke her up a few times trying to get it on. Plus with that kind of drinking (blackout, passing out, falling on the floor) she was passed out all the time. Maybe you dont think this is normal and neither do I (most girlfriends I've had have been happy to have me wake them up with a big surprise once in a while) but this is the context of a discussion we had together. All relationships are different and it was a mutual understanding. You can't call me "rapey" when she takes the time to put on lingere right down to the stockings and calls me into the bedroom then when I look up she's passed out. Obviously she was down and into the act. Take off the feminist goggles and realize I'm just a man who wants to do his girlfriend, not some creep at a party who sees a passed out girl and taking advantage of her. We lived together FFS. partner rape is a real thing. having sex with someone who is passed out is rape. and it is super pathetic as well. The solution to your "problem"is don't have a girlfriend just sleep with randoms. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
ChickiePops Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 OP, having sex with a girl who is passed out isn't "rapey." It *is* RAPE. The fact that you live together or that she put on lingerie is beside the point. If she was not conscious during the act - to assent or decline - than it is rape. Exactly. She has to give her permission at the time of the act. So it actually was rape. As for the I said, if you hadn't cheated, your roommates wouldn't have had anything to say to your ex. Also, why are you allowed to judge them on their drug use and on the size or age of the women they sleep with but they're not allowed to judge you on your cheating? You're all just as bad as each other. Also..did you say that a different roommate has ratted you out to a previous girlfriend?'re a serial cheater then? If you really get laid as much as you say you do then stop dating and just have eff buddies. Then at least you wouldn't be hurting anyone. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
wmacbride Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 Yea maybe this was the wrong place. I saw the "Infidelity" forum but maybe I should have posted this in the OM/OW forum. I dont want to salt in the wounds of those who are hurting by betrayal. On the "rapey" bs she told me stone cold sober I could do her in her sleep as long as I didn't wake her up. The topic came up because I love morning sex and woke her up a few times trying to get it on. Plus with that kind of drinking (blackout, passing out, falling on the floor) she was passed out all the time. Maybe you dont think this is normal and neither do I (most girlfriends I've had have been happy to have me wake them up with a big surprise once in a while) but this is the context of a discussion we had together. All relationships are different and it was a mutual understanding. You can't call me "rapey" when she takes the time to put on lingere right down to the stockings and calls me into the bedroom then when I look up she's passed out. Obviously she was down and into the act. Take off the feminist goggles and realize I'm just a man who wants to do his girlfriend, not some creep at a party who sees a passed out girl and taking advantage of her. We lived together FFS. If you loved her, and if her mental health was your top priority, then you ha some choices. You could have: (a) made sure she was getting treatment for her alcoholism and bipolar disorder. If that meant that she continued on her meds. in spite of her lowered sex drive, then so be it. Instead, she came off her meds. and you were cheating with other women in the home you two were living in togtehr. (b) you could have ensured she had a good support system in place and then explained to her that the rleationship wasn't working for you and broken up with her. That way, no cheating would have occurred, and the two of you could have moved on in your lives. It could be in the way you have expressed it, but as it stands, your sex drive was more important to you than her mental health. I've got to wonder how much of her asking to come off her medication was because of your sex drive and not hers. As for people "rating you out", it's pretty arrogant of you to assume it;s jealousy. It could be that they saw a woman being cheated on and they felt bad. About where you chose to locate this thread, I don't get it. It's not a marital problem, it sounds like, to you, it's more of a business problem. Is there no place on here for a landlord vs. tenants thread? 2 Link to post Share on other sites
merrmeade Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 (edited) Can't say I didn't warn you... And did you notice how much faster they jumped on the sex with your passed out girlfriend (aka, rape) than in your 2014 thread about it? And by the way, you were interacting with her this way for TWO YEARS at least from what I can see by the dates of that thread and this one. To tell you the truth, after reading your other threads, I really think this one is a cry for help. You're not as callous as your writing style suggests. You're, I guess, 40 by now. You've had some serious relationships, one of which was with a woman with a little girl that you quite seriously tried to be accountable to since she developed feelings for you and called you "dad." You wrote a couple of threads on that. And this one: As sick as the passed out sex sounds, it's interesting that you lasted so long with her, continued picking her up and putting her to bed, and touching that you generally tended to her and protected her (except from yourself). I think you're in need of some mentoring. You need to take Relationship 101 and start your adult sex life over again from scratch in my opinion. And actually the guys in the Infidelity forum are as good as they get for that. I hope they take you on. I think you have potential if you can get over the casual sex lifestyle. That's a recipe for disaster if you ever decide to get married. Edited October 5, 2016 by merrmeade Link to post Share on other sites
anika99 Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 Noticed that in one of your previous posts on this thread that you said previous roommates also ratted you out to a previous gf. you cheated on a different girl before the girl you are talking about now. So basically you are just a cheater who can't be trusted and you have tried to convolute this fact with stories about how awful your ex treated you. It doesn't matter what motives your roommates had for ratting you out. They are not your friends and they are not required to participate in your lies or keep your secrets. When you cheat on someone there is always a good chance that they will find out about it. Stop whining and take ownership of your choices. Being an adult means accepting the risks and the consequences of your decisions without blaming other people. Link to post Share on other sites
anika99 Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 Can't say I didn't warn you... And did you notice how much faster they jumped on the sex with your passed out girlfriend (aka, rape) than in your 2014 thread about it? And by the way, you were interacting with her this way for TWO YEARS at least from what I can see by the dates of that thread and this one. To tell you the truth, after reading your other threads, I really think this one is a cry for help. You're not as callous as your writing style suggests. You're, I guess, 40 by now. You've had some serious relationships, one of which was with a woman with a little girl that you quite seriously tried to be accountable to since she developed feelings for you and called you "dad." You wrote a couple of threads on that. And this one: As sick as the passed out sex sounds, it's interesting that you lasted so long with her, continued picking her up and putting her to bed, and touching that you generally tended to her and protected her (except from yourself). I think you're in need of some mentoring. You need to take Relationship 101 and start your adult sex life over again from scratch in my opinion. And actually the guys in the Infidelity forum are as good as they get for that. I hope they take you on. I think you have potential if you can get over the casual sex lifestyle. That's a recipe for disaster if you ever decide to get married. Huh? According to his last thread he was only with this woman for 7 months. In 2014 he was bragging about having 9 gf's all at the same time and banging a 25 yr old. Do you mean he was having rapey sex with a different drunken woman 2 yrs ago? Link to post Share on other sites
xxoo Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 Lets ditch the morals portion. Yes cheating is wrong. The topic of the thread is about roommate etiquette, staying out of other people's relationships and minding your own business. These aren't even roommates, they are actually tenants and I'm the landlord. This isn't a bunch of friends who moved in together, these are people who are renting a room off of me off of craigslist. This thread reminds me of that show "What would you do?" with John Quinones. You maybe are among those who turn away and ignore when you see someone being mistreated. These tenants are among the people who step in and help. They are the heroes of the show. 6 Link to post Share on other sites
merrmeade Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 Huh? According to his last thread he was only with this woman for 7 months. In 2014 he was bragging about having 9 gf's all at the same time and banging a 25 yr old. Do you mean he was having rapey sex with a different drunken woman 2 yrs ago? pffft - Just saying I think there have been glimmers of a nice loving guy hiding away 'neath all the bravado. And more than that, someone this old, who may have been doing this all his adult life, would need either professional or divine intervention to even want to change his ways. It's just that there are parts of his narratives that don't compute with the overall picture he paints of himself. For example, I can't believe the same person said this (albeit six years ago but still..._):Met this girl online, turned out she was from my hometown and we knew a lot of the same people. She even was my parents neighbor for nearly 20 years. I was happy to meet someone who would maybe share my small town values. Small town values? Link to post Share on other sites
Grapesofwrath Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 We did have a clinical pharmacist review her meds and she gave us research that she took to her psych. The psych took her off certain meds that had high sexual dysfunction rates, and birth control has this side effect so we eventually got her off the birth control and if that helped, she was going to get an IUD. She went off her meds when she went off the BC- her routine got changed. What medication did her psychiatrist prescribe in place of the one that was removed? Did she take it? Did you support her in taking it? No credible physician would discontinue meds for an actively bipolar patient without providing an alternative. Also, what was your plan to avoid pregnancy once she got off the birth control pill, and before placement of an IUD? 1 Link to post Share on other sites
merrmeade Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 Huh? According to his last thread he was only with this woman for 7 months. In 2014 he was bragging about having 9 gf's all at the same time and banging a 25 yr old. You're right - my mistake Link to post Share on other sites
SincereOnlineGuy Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 How do you deal with these kinds of people or the fallout from the damage that they cause? LOL - how does this have anything to do with the roommates ?? Link to post Share on other sites
Author ktya Posted October 6, 2016 Author Share Posted October 6, 2016 (a) made sure she was getting treatment for her alcoholism and bipolar disorder. If that meant that she continued on her meds. in spite of her lowered sex drive, then so be it. Instead, she came off her meds. and you were cheating with other women in the home you two were living in togtehr. I always remembered her appointments with her psych, DAC, and therapist. I knew the schedule better than she did. I was reminding her daily to take her meds but no matter how gentle I was about it she would get irritable about it (which is also a symptom of a bipolar episode in either direction. I was her boyfriend not her therapist, as the saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink. (b) you could have ensured she had a good support system in place and then explained to her that the rleationship wasn't working for you and broken up with her. That way, no cheating would have occurred, and the two of you could have moved on in your lives. I got to this point the moment she ended up wandering downtown alone in the middle of the night high on crystal meth and landing herself in jail. I Had been pushing her to get a hematocrit and LFT and after this episode also an STD panel (Hep C can be transmitted by glass pipes, she was also found by the cops with someone else's shirt on over top of hers). I've got to wonder how much of her asking to come off her medication was because of your sex drive and not hers. As I said before, a clinical pharmacist reviewed her medication because her lack of sex drive was bothering her. Her psych took her off the one med that was the big problem. It was a mutual decision for her to come off the BC because after her coming off the risperidone it still hadn't returned. Once she was off the BC her routine was interrupted, I had nothing to do with her coming off the other meds, as I previously stated in this post I was reminding her every day. it's more of a business problem. Is there no place on here for a landlord vs. tenants thread? Somewhat, yes. Despite the vitriol being spewed by some in this thread, which I choose to ignore, I really loved this girl and the infidelity was more of a stop gap to be able to continue working on the lack of sex drive, energy, and alcohol problems. I wasn't being a "player". My helpful ex girlfriends knew fully well I had a girlfriend and loved her very much. With the bipolar it was like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, and Mr. Hyde was taking over. I was trying desperately to get her back on her meds and the meds take 2-6 weeks. She was getting progressively worse. I also thought she may have a liver or anemia problem - a 21 year old should be running laps around me at 39, yet she was blackout drunk after three drinks and tripping over her own feet after 5. I'd try to get her to bed before she became a train wreck but any attempts were met with open defiance and demands for more alcohol. And by get her to bed I mean to sleep it off because she was embarassing herself in front of everyone. But anyway... This thread isn't about analyzing alcoholism, bipolar, or "partner rape" as one person put it. It's about people sticking their nose into someone else's business. As can be seen even in this thread here, all the nuances within a relationship are not understood by someone on the outside. Link to post Share on other sites
Author ktya Posted October 6, 2016 Author Share Posted October 6, 2016 And did you notice how much faster they jumped on the sex with your passed out girlfriend (aka, rape) than in your 2014 thread about it? And by the way, you were interacting with her this way for TWO YEARS at least from what I can see by the dates of that thread and this one. Actually I didn't meet this particular girl until July 2015. There was no problem with her doing the crazy passing out until about May 2016. I was trying to get her to get a hematocrit and liver function test. A 21 year old shouldn't be passing out on the table before 7pm after only half a drink. The passing out was like a hockey stick chart. Link to post Share on other sites
Author ktya Posted October 6, 2016 Author Share Posted October 6, 2016 What medication did her psychiatrist prescribe in place of the one that was removed? Did she take it? Did you support her in taking it? No credible physician would discontinue meds for an actively bipolar patient without providing an alternative. Also, what was your plan to avoid pregnancy once she got off the birth control pill, and before placement of an IUD? I'm not a psychiatrist. Her psychiatrist opted to remove her from 1/3 meds. She's been seeing the same psychiatrist for 6 years. She was still supposed to be taking two other meds. As for the BC question, that was a decision we made together and we talked about what we would do if there was an accident. Link to post Share on other sites
wmacbride Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 it sounds like her medication(s) and alcohol were a bad mix. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
BaileyB Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 Just to say it once again, having sex with a woman who is passed out or asleep is definitely rape. Don't be mistaken. Your ex girlfriend has some serious issues with mental health, drugs, and alcohol. She needs some serious assistance. God bless your ex girlfriends who put up with your self-centred, entitled attitude and behavior. Because, your behavior would not be tolerated by any woman who valued herself and had any kind of self respect. You are not impressing anyone on this board... Link to post Share on other sites
CarrieT Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 Despite the vitriol being spewed by some in this thread, which I choose to ignore It is not vitriolic to call out a rapist. Having sex with someone who is passed out IS rape - it doesn't matter if you love them or not. It is a physical act of violation upon another human being without their consent. This thread isn't about analyzing alcoholism, bipolar, or "partner rape" as one person put it. It's about people sticking their nose into someone else's business. But it is. You told us you would have sex with her anyway if she passed out. So it is part of this thread and is the can of worms you opened. It is a public forum so our noses are in your business because you brought it up and need to see the incident for what it is - offensive, wrong, and a violation. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
ChickiePops Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 Once again. If you had not cheated, there would have been nothing for anyone to rat out. Cheating was the wrong choice. If I had been your roommate I'd have told your girlfriend too. It was the right thing to do..and frankly, being in a relationship wasn't doing her any good so it's for the best that she broke up with you. Hopefully she's getting help now. Link to post Share on other sites
Author ktya Posted October 6, 2016 Author Share Posted October 6, 2016 (edited) But it is. You told us you would have sex with her anyway if she passed out. So it is part of this thread and is the can of worms you opened. It is a public forum so our noses are in your business because you brought it up and need to see the incident for what it is - offensive, wrong, and a violation. What a crock. So the girl not only tells me, "If you want sex and I'm sleeping go ahead as long as you dont wake me up" stone cold sober, she lives with me, or she pops on lingerie and lures me into the bedroom for nookie and when I am in the middle of the act at 6:50pm I notice she has passed out, I'm now a rapist? Edited October 8, 2016 by a Moderator rude~T Link to post Share on other sites
hotgurl Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 What a crock. So the girl not only tells me, "If you want sex and I'm sleeping go ahead as long as you dont wake me up" stone cold sober, she lives with me, or she pops on lingerie and lures me into the bedroom for nookie and when I am in the middle of the act at 6:50pm I notice she has passed out, I'm now a rapist? F off. I wasnt taking advantage of some girl at a frat party passed out on the couch. I'm getting sick and tired of this line of thinking. STFU. I'm not a rapist. Kiss my a** short answer yes. even if she gave you permission going ahead and doing it is creepy af. just jerk one off. she is not a humane masturbation device. Link to post Share on other sites
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