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He doesnt want to get attached cause im leaving


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Okey so i met this guy about two months ago on internet dating site i didnt really count on anything as im going to leave the country in 4 months and i dont know if i come back or not not Really sure but yeah i didnt really want to go but as i dont really know anybody in the city and had nothing better to do i did and after 5 min we just clicked it was the best first date ever we had so much fun and talked so much and it was so easy like we didnt have to pretend anything just normal. After that date we started texting every day and we met again we spent a whole day togheter and it was amazing i couldnt Belive it it was like in fairytale he was mega handsome funny and he just couldnt take his eyed of me he kept saying how he loves spending time with me how easy to be around i am and that he feels so comfortable with me and how beautiful i am and that he wants to take me everywhere spent as mamy days like that with me and show everyone that i am with him. We started seeing each other regurally and it was all beautiful and amazing all the time until he just stopped texting me or he replied to me after 2 days i could see he read my message and it took him 2 days to reply?? i tried to be cool and calm i didnt want to scare him after knowing him 2 months but i could see something is wrong. We keept seeing each other but less and it still was amazing and he still couldnt Belive that im with him and im so into him but then he never text me back he said he wants to see me more and never did. One day i decided i have to confront him and ask whats going on. I said to him look i want your attention and i feel like you ignoring me i want to spent time with you just like you saying it to me when you with me but then you leave and it never happens i leave me hanging there feeling stupid. He told me that he will never let himself get close to me because im leaving and he will stay here and just be in pain. He said that im perfect for him and that he didnt have a girlfriend since he was 18 and that now he met me it just cant be it, it cant happen he will just not allowe himself to fall in love with me. He said he doesnt text me cause he has to get on with his life like im not in it that he could arrange all his life around me but he wont this is just not going to happen. He said he cares about me that he feels awuful that i started having feelings that he didnt think this will happen and started asking what he did wrong. He thought we going to be friends and he will take me to the airport and say bye to me and thats it he though im just having fun with him and sex and thats it. In the end he was very nervous and couldnt belive what is happening i said to him that i cant see him anymore if he doesnt this to be seroius i cant pretend we are friends and hurt myself like that. He was so angry and nervous and coulndnt Belive this is the end. I tried to say to him that i dont feel like going anywhere anymore that i keep thinking about it but he wouldnt let me say anymore just said that i will go and probably stay there and then what. We said bye and went other directions. I tried texting him and let him think about the facet that we could have such amazing time togheter for those last few months and me going doesnt have to be the end of anything it could be a begining but he just replied that he doesnt feel the same way about me and doesnt want to talk to me anymore. Soo in the end im heartbroken and i dont know what to do i cant say anything else to him and i dont know if he text me i dont want to sit and wait for something thats not going to happen. I dont even know what to Belive anymore. When he keept saying that he wants me and want to spent time with me or when he said that he thought i know this isnt serious and he doesnt feel like i do??:/

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Even tho it felt great, when the s hit hits the fan/doesn't get his way, he becomes a little boy having a tantrum. He's being a big baby....IMO you dodged a bullet.

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