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Signs he's cheating.

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I always go with my gut feelings and they're usually right. Women's intuition is usually even better than a man's.


However, it is real difficult to approach your guy and tell him your gut says he's cheating. That's sounds pretty lame. You either hire a private detective and confirm it or just leave him. There is little or no reason to stay with a guy who you feel is cheating on you, whether he is or not. The feeling is terrible. It's also an indication of lack of trust on your part.


While I think a person's gut feelings can well be relied upon, they won't stand up in court and they are not absolutely conslusive...hense the necessity of hard evidence.

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These are based on a relationship my friend had w/a cheater.


* The guy seems to work way too much overtime or travel an awful lot.


* The guy seems to tell outlandish stories about his whereabouts when questioned.


* You are going out with him for a long time and you don't meet important people in his life.


* The guy seems to have a lot female friends.


* He hangs out with other cheaters.


* He hits on your friends.


* You never go to his house even after months of going out.


* He gives you pager and cell phone numbers but never a home phone number.


If your boyfriend does several of these things, he could be a cheater.



Is a gut instinct enough to believe my boyfiend's cheating. I've never actually had any proof, but what are some signs that he may have cheated or is cheating?
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When my bf was cheating, I too had the "knowing" feeling way before I had any hard evidence. The most obvious sign for me was - he was hot and cold... when he returned from "work" or hanging out he was extremely loving, telling me how important I was to him, and how much he loved me, then after 12 hours or so he would withdraw and become moody, seeming to really pick fights with me over little things, like he wanted to be mad at me for something, this of course ended up being his guilt and his needing a reason to cheat, my advise is if you feel like it's going on it probably is..I wish you all the best luck in dealing with this.

Is a gut instinct enough to believe my boyfiend's cheating. I've never actually had any proof, but what are some signs that he may have cheated or is cheating?
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