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Female friend of boyfriend still holding flame?

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My boyfriend of 3 years occasionally hangs out with a female friend of his, which is fine except for the fact that 3 years ago she tried everything in her power to et him/ruin our relationship. She is an ex-friend of mine, and i think she still has feelings for him. I know that he wouldn't cheat on me, but it bothers me to think that she might be comin on to him or otherwise.


I have confronted him about this and he says there is nothing but friendship and nothing to be jealous about, but i am.


Am i right in feelin this way? I know it was 3 years ago but i feel like she may be doing it just to spite me or see if she can get him.



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I'm surprised he's still friends with her after what has happened, and how she has basically betrayed you.

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