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I don`t understand her, please help advice needed

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Hello i really could use some advice about this woman i met a few weeks ago.


Her name is Johnna and i met her at Walmart where she works.

After i get off work i go to walmat alot, it has become a habit, but some good came out of it, or so i thought. I first noticed her months ago, she would always smile at me and be nice, I figured it was her job so i never thought much of it. Until recently, a few weeks ago she started talking to me more. just basic stuff you know.



I have a friend that works with me and also hangs out there too his name is George.. We usually eat or talk to a friend that works at the Mcdonalds in Walmart, her name is Ann. .

Anyway she started asking George Questions about me. If i had girlfriend, how old i was and stuff like that. He tells me about it, and i`m like maybe she does like me. So i start talking to her more. I even hang around until it`s time for her break at 1:00 when she is working. This went on for awhile we started talking a lot. We got along really good together. One day Ann tells me that Johnna thinks i`m cute and she likes me. so i wonder if i should ask her out ot not.


She shows at my job the next Monday afternoon. she found out about my dogs. I have 7 and i`m trying to find a good home for 4 of them. So she asks where i live. We exchange numbers and she asks me a good time to come by. I tell her Thursday when i am off, but she can come anyday before 3. she says she will call first but she shows up the next day. I`m very excited that she came by, but i try to act cool. She is wearing a very tiny pair of shorts and her legs are amazing. I`m trying not to look while i`m talking to her but i think she caught me a couple of times. She doesn`t seem too interested in the dogs but i dont mind, we talk for a while. I really wish i was off that day.



Anyway we talk on the phone a few times the next few weeks and still at Wakmart too. We don`t have a lot of time at Walmart because her break is only 15 minutes. Sometimes i hang around more and talk at the register between customers.and when she is talking carts back full of returned items to be restocked. Our phone conversations are always short, she always seem to end them quickly which is why i was a little concerned.


We didn`t call each other much either, We mostly talked at Walmart. This was ok at first, but now i`m staritng to fall for her. We are always flirting and she has been touching me a lot lately. When i was rubbing her neck the week before last because she was stressed out, she didn`t want me to stop. She told me to do it harder. I told her it was not the right place and she said it was ok as long as we didn`t get too naughty. I kept on but I had to stop, i was getting a little excited, ok so that was embarassing. I made an excuse to go to the bathroom, so she wouldn`t see. She teased me too a lot. and and even make sexual comments to me. i won`t go into details but nothing too sexual. We got along really good and we have a lot in common.We talked about how we should hang out more but we never made any definate plans whick bothered me.


I call her Friday the 24th but we don`t talk long, she says she will call back but she never does. Saturday she doesn`t go to work. I am really starting te get worried now. I start really thinking about the last few weeks and all the mistakes that i have made. I should have called more and just told her how i felt weeks ago. Anyway this brings us up to Monday the 27th of June where it all fell apart.



I go in and i notice her smile isn`t as bright as it usully is. She said she was tired so i figured that was why. As we were talking i noticed she seemed more nervous than usual. She had her hair done and i told her it looked good. There was a few moments of awkward silence. i hate that. I was so nervous becasue i wanted to tell her how i felt. i don`t know why she was so nervous. She was playing with her hair alot and figiting. A guy comes over to sweep behind her counter counter and she steps back. After he left, i told her to come closer and she laughed and shaked her head. She said i was making her nervous the way i was looking at her and not talking much.



I thought she was just teasing me, anyway i say ok i`m sorry and a customer comes after she leaves we start talking again and she gets closer. Then i asked her to go out with me. She seemed excited and said where would we go and i said anywhere you want to. she patted her stomach and said she loved to eat, i laughed. She said it was all food it`s not a baby in there, she is so funny. I tell her how beautiful she is and she started fixing her bra strap or her shirt i can`t remember, she seemed nervous again. So i changed the subject and start talking about her daycare plans, she is planning to cut her hours again and start taking care of kids in the daytime.


Then i ask her why she didn`t call me back. she said she was sorry and she was busy. She said she has a lot going on in her life again. but she won`t go into details.

I asked her why she didn`t come to work last Saturday and she said she felt bad, and she said her friends and her do some crazy stuff when she is off.


I asked her about it but she goes mysterious on me again. Anyway she wanted a candy bar so she asked me to buy it for her because she can`t sell it to herself. So she goes and picks it out, she starts playing with her hair again. I ask her can i play with it too and i touch it.. she smiles and said i was making her nervous enough already. I asked her why she was so nervous around me all of a sudden and she said she didn`t know. She hands me the candy and a dollar and rings it up. i was holding out my hand for the change not thinking. She slaps my hand and says i can`t have her change. and laughs. I told her she makes me nervous too.


This was all happening so fast, it`s hard to write about it, i think i left some stuff out. I know it`s kinda boring to read but i just want to give you an idea of what was going on at this monent. So after this a few customers comes and i don`t have anytime to talk to her until her break.


When she goes on her break, she seems nervous and doesn`t say much as we are walking to Mcdonalds, she takes out her phone and calls someone. I was dissappointed because i wanted to talk to her alone. To ask her about going out Thursday. She talkes a few minutes, when she hangs up another friend pops up, so i`m thinking she hung up for him not me. It`s like she didn`t want to talk to me alone. They talk about people i dont know, so i feel out of place here, she doesn`t even introduce the guy to me.


She talks to me a little, but not much, she only has a 15 minute break, so it`s over rather quickly, and she just says bye. that`s it.

So i go over and say i can hang out a few motre minutes, she gets annoyed of all a sudden and said she doesn`t have time to talk, she has to go back to work. I say we did it last monday.

She says she knows, but she is tired and doesn`t feel like talking right now, I should have just left and called her later. but i was kinda scared the way she was acting.



I asked her what`s wrong, she say nothing. I ask why was she was ignoring me, she says she`s wasn`t, she`s just tired. I asked if i did something wrong and she said no , i was kinda freaking her out right now. My heart sank when she said that. I asked what she meant and she said she didn`t know. I asked was she mad, she said no, she was just tired and didn`t feel like talking. I should have just left i know, but i was freaking out myself now. She just seemed to change all of a sudden, So i go back to her register and her friend was there talking to her again. So i go up to her,and she ignores me again. Then her boss asked to speak to her so she goes with him in this storage room. then when they come out, he comes up to me and says i can`t hang around and keep her from her work anymore so i say bye and she waves.


Her other boss was talking to her at this point. i wonder what is going on, but i leave and i notice her other friend was leaving after i left. I don`t know if they asked him to leave or not. I wonder if she told the guy to get rid oif me. I don`t know. I decided to give it a few days before i talk to her again. I`m Hoping she will call but so far no call.


I have gotten a few calls from people who wouldn`t speak, i`m not sure if it is her or not. I don`t have caller id, but i don`t think she would do that.



Saturday July 2nd i see her again after work. I go through her line to buy some dog food. she didn`t seem too happy to see me. She did smile and ask how i was, i said ok and asked was she doing ok, she said yes. I tell her i`m sorry about what happened. she just looked at me, a half smile or a nod i can`t remember. I said it again as she took my money. she just looked at me. I couldn`t tell if she was mad or nervous or just annoyed with me, but there was some tension between us i could feel it.


She didn`t even give me my soda like she ususlly does, she just stuck it in the bag with the dog food. I asked her did she forgive me when she handed me my change and she said yes, but i did`t feel like she meant it. I said talk to you later as i left, she didn`t respond but i said it kinda low and she was busy with another customer.


So what should i do? I was thinking about calling her tonight but i don`t know, maybe i should give her more time. I just wish she would tell me something. I know this is kinda long so thanks for reading, it feels good getting it off my chest. any advice would be appreciated very much.


thank you.

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Dude, no offense, and I know that this is important to you, but you REALLY need to stop hanging out in Walmart...


Beyond that, if she says she'll call and doesn't that tells you all you need to know.

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