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I'm still in love with my ex but now he has a girlfriend and I'm jealous. I have never been jealous of my ex having another girlfriend... . I don't think anyone will be able to help unless u know the whole story so i will tell.


Well it all started 2-3 yrs ago my friend introduced us and after a week or 2 of getting to know each other we started dating and it was going really great but then i broke up with him saying that i didn't want a boyfriend at the time he wasn't OK with it he was mad but even after we broke up we still talked to each other. Then i found someone else and started dating them but then we broke up and i was still talking to my ex so me and him got back together again it was going great but then i broke up with him again and i broke up with him a good 7 or 8 times and yet he and we still kept talking to each other after we broke up.


I told him time and time again that i didn't want to talk to him anymore cause i knew i would end up falling for him again and we would go back out and i didn't want to hurt him over and over again but i did each time and i felt REALLY bad all the times i broke up with him cause most of the time he was just about to go away on vacation so he went on vacation all stressed out and everything so i did feel really bad but the reason why i kept breaking up with him was because EVERY relationship i was in i trusted each and every person i dated and i was the one who ended up getting hurt.


I was just thinking back to all the other times i fell for someone and trusted them with my entire life and got hurt and the one time i have someone who fully and truly cares for me i break up with him because i am afraid of being hurt AGAIN because as of now i am looking for a relationship that is going to last for a while and i can trust them with my WHOLE entire life knowing that they wont hurt me but now it seems that there are no good guys like that anymore and now karma has come back around to me and i have decided to be with him and he has a girlfriend and i don't know what to do because every time i talk to him i fall in love with just his voice and he wants me to come visit him but i don't think it would be a good idea because i would fall in love with him all over again and i hear his voice every night before i got to sleep so i fall in love all over again so just imagining me seeing him i don't know what i would do.


All i want to do is tell him to stop calling me because he has a girl and everything but i don't want to do that because i love hearing his voice to much and i just don't want to stop talking to him but knowing that he has a girl and that i want him back soOoOo bad and knowing that i cant have him its KILLING me and EVERY night i don't go to sleep after talking to him i cry myself to sleep and i would be up crying until 4-5 in the morning and i just don't know what to do at this point... really all i want to do is DIE i thought about it because i think without him i have nothing left in my life at all.


Another thing i need help with is when me and him are talking on the phone at night he will ask me questions like... DO U MISS ME? , HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT ME AT ALL?, DO YOU THINK ABOUT ME?, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO COME CHILL? and he will just bring up things from the past GOOD + BAD and that gets me even more emotional. And when he tells me to call him back cause he has to call his girl i don't call him back so he will just call back and i don't know what to do at this point.... SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!!!!! ANY ADVICE???

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What do you say when he asks you questions like that?, are you honest with him?, I think you should tell him exactly how you feel or find someone else...not to be harsh but I think that is the best advice it seems like you might just want him now because someone else has him now, in essence it seems to be games between you two and HONESTY is the best policy, that is how I see it anyway.

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yes i do tell him the honest truth... and yeah i do think it is because he has a girl now but i always like him alot but i do care about him alot and i thought about the situation and before i knew he had a girl i wanted to get back with him but when i called him one day i had found out that he was in jail from his friend and i didnt know how to tell him that i wanted to get back with him... i thought about going to see him in jail but i refused to because i didnt know what he would do if he saw me... i have told him over and over how i feel about him but i dont know he just tells me that im too late! so i will take ur advice and move on and find someone else! Thank you for taking time to read this and give me advice! :)

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Originally posted by NeNa_PaRa_ViDa0420

yes i do tell him the honest truth... and yeah i do think it is because he has a girl now but i always like him alot but i do care about him alot and i thought about the situation and before i knew he had a girl i wanted to get back with him but when i called him one day i had found out that he was in jail from his friend and i didnt know how to tell him that i wanted to get back with him... i thought about going to see him in jail but i refused to because i didnt know what he would do if he saw me... i have told him over and over how i feel about him but i dont know he just tells me that im too late! so i will take ur advice and move on and find someone else! Thank you for taking time to read this and give me advice! :)


Happy to help, maybe you could read my post and provide some answers or insight for me.



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