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Is he really in to me?

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I've been to a new bar twice and the first time the really hot DJ was flirting with me but it was just light flirting. He also flirted with other girls so I didn't think anything of it. The second time I went back he made a beeline for me and was doing some serious flirting and he kissed me when we danced. It was a soft sweet kiss, not a "I want to have sex right here on the floor" kiss. At the end of the night we swapped numbers and he told me to call him. I called him the next day and left a message asking him if he like to go out for a coffee and I left my number. That was yesterday and he hasn't called me yet.


I've been told that he flirts with every girl that walks in the door. Should I chalk it up to him just flirting or does it sound like he really likes me. How long should I wait before calling him again or should I call him again? Of course my eyes were on him all night cause he's so hot and I didn't see him dance with or kiss another girl. When he gave me his number there was a different name on the paper than what every one was calling him in the bar. the name on the paper started with the same letter as the name that everyone was calling him. Did he give me a false name or is he using a stage name in the bar?

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If he calls, you'll find out how real he is.


If he doesn't, then blow him off.


Just don't call again.

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I don't know if he really likes you (aka is dreaming of u at night) but I definitely think he's interested, thus the swapping of the numbers. Try not to really think about it. If he gave you his number and u called (left a message i hope), then wait to see if he calls. Don't sweat it though. I know your very anxious but given your worries about him I'd say that you should treat him as if you were dating a bunch of guys and kinda slow your heart down. Your worrying too much and you haven't even gone out once yet. Just play it by ear and see...you seem to want a b/f almost and he sounds like the date around guy. Calm down...have fun...good luck. I'm pretty sure he will call, if not you'll see him at the bar or you can call again in a few days. But, after that, don't call again until you see him, then inquire about the phone calls. Make sure you leave a message if you haven't. Good luck!!

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