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Does this girl like me?

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So i've worked with this girl for a few months now and we have gotten along pretty well and we are always teasing eachother and she'll go on and say things like "why are you so mean to me!" or one time we made eye contact and she smiled at me and when i asked her what was so funny she responded with "why cant you just smile back at me!". Then this one time i had quite a workload so i was just trying to get it done and at the end of the night she ran into me (bumped shoulders) and asked why i had been so quiet that day? Does she see me as just a buddy/friend or could she have feelings for me?

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You can't spend your life wondering if someone likes you.....if you are attracted to them, you just simply ask them out....that's how it's done.

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You don't state your age in the post or your profile. But I'm going to guess it's pretty young.


I am 53 and have a lot more regrets when it comes to romance about what I failed to do than what I did. NO REGRETS!!! Ask her out!

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