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Self-torture, I don't get it!

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After reading a lot of threads on here, and given my own personal experience, I have a thought/question:


I think some men (me included, in the past) are wired all wrong. Sure, everyone is attracted to a challenge, but why the lame, screwed up challenge?


How many guys have met a girl, she's really pretty, gives you a song and dance about being "smothered" or not knowing what she wants and pulling away or 100 different things, and yet you still pursue her? It is a losing proposition, after all. Why put yourself through this torture?


What defect is going on that makes a man do something like that?


I've done it, there are two threads about it going right now (or more), I mean, what gives?


The best response to that whole vibe, IMHO, is, "Gee, that's too bad. I hope you figure all that out someday" and get the hell out of there.


Any thoughts?

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gluttens for punishment.


Ive done it time after time.


Fooish hope ..total delusion :p .


Sometimes i feel i need a labotamy :laugh:

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Originally posted by AndrewJ

gluttens for punishment.


Ive done it time after time.


Fooish hope ..total delusion :p .


Sometimes i feel i need a labotamy :laugh:


Hey...it doesn't need to be that drastic. Just use spell-check ;)

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"foosih hope" = dave grohls ism foo fighter hope :p


thank you for correcting me lindya :D

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I've come across that feeling before in my past as well. All I can assume is (since i'm a person who is drawn to seriously difficult cahllenges) that I'm was somewhat wired to pursue difficult situations, because they were such challenges. Even though I'm married and away from that game now, I still occasionally find myself spotting the types of girls that I used to love to pursue. And yes the urge to a challenge is still there, but thank god, I don't have to pursue it anymore.


mmmm......pale skinny vampiric tattoo laden goth girls...........

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Originally posted by Blackfrost

mmmm......pale skinny vampiric tattoo laden goth girls...........


I know. A hot goth girl is hotter than any other girl on this planet! If there is a woman out there that could get me to kill for her, it is a goth chick.

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I think a lot of Men and Women do this...


Things that always come to mind when I see this going on...


*Random thoughts by Merin that make me laugh*


1) "I'm gonna make you love me girl.. maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow.. but hell yeah eventually!"

2) "I'm gonna wear you out, I'm gonna wear you down giiirrrlll"

3) "Are you married? Well happily?"


:laugh: I really think there are a million reasons why people do this... it's a challenge, they cannot accept that someone really isn't into them so they go out of thier way to prove that person wrong, they think if they do enough they can change the situation... etc

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Originally posted by AndrewJ

gluttens for punishment.


Ive done it time after time.


Fooish hope ..total delusion :p .


Sometimes i feel i need a labotamy :laugh:


That makes two of us :laugh:

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Only been with two people who I consider serious. The first one didn't work out how I planned and I worked mighty heard to make it work. Second man ended up being the one I was made for.


Relationships are just one thing I don't much around with.

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If it's a disease, I've got it.


I said before I must be on dope or something (and I'm not, never have!) so maybe it's the same/similar? kind of high.

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Hey, this topic said men only...


Why do men chase a particular girl? Because they care too much over too little, and haven't properly learned emotional control. They connect emotionally way too quickly. Somewhere we lost it that a man is what he is because he can do what is best for him regardless of whether he feels like he wants to.


There are billions of women on the planet; why waste time with one that doesn't like you. Further, to do it because she's hot just lets hot women think they can be obnoxious.


As soon as she knows you can walk away at any minute but are having a nice time with her now, you don't get the "let's just be friends" line.

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