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WHAT is this girl DOING!?

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Okay let me do a little bio for everyone who doesn't know me yet.


2) I have a girlfriend (Kayln) that I'm SUPER happy with

3) I'm only 17





In March 30th of last year (2004) my girlfriend Kayln and I started dating...we were friends for awhile before then...approx. 4 months or so...(she was kinda new at school) we had met each other through my friend Morgan and we were in alot of school plays together...we became friends very very quickly...Once the school plays were over things were crappy because we didn't see much of each other...but Kayln started hanging out with a small group of people I had always been friends with...after awhile the group kinda broke off which left Kayln, Morgan, Myself, and a good friend of mine named Kassy...at this time Kayln had not told anyone she was gay...where as I was in a bit of a struggle with my ex girlfriend and obviously openly gay....Morgan was straight...and Kassy was 'bisexual'...


Early Feb. I had comfirmed with the group that I had broken up with my ex girlfriend for good and that we weren't speaking any more...the group was very happy. I had ALOT of interest in Kayln...but I had always been attracted to Kassy...Kassy was known to be a flirt...but there was many times where Kassy had come to me with problems, cried on my shoulder, laughed, held hands, and hung out with me...we had been friends since 6th grade and were always great friends...but for some reason I 'connect' with Kassy like I did Kayln...After awhile the small group of us started hanging out more and more...and interests grew deeper and deeper and my attraction to Kassy faded away some what...


On March 30th Kassy had told me that Kayln had been talking with Kassy about "her interest in me for awhile and that she was gay" Kassy didn't seem overly fond about that...but I sure did!...Kayln and I talked about it and started going out right then...through this time Kayln DID NOT want anyone to know about her sexuality until she was comfortable with it...I respected that...the only people that knew was Kassy and Myself...Morgan didn't know...and Kayln had no interest in telling Morgan...It seemed as though when we hung out (Morgan Kayln Kassy and I)...Kassy would almost take advantage of that fact that Kayln and I weren't open...she used to sit on my lap, hold my hands, kiss my cheeks...stuff like that...but it would be in front of Kayln...and you could tell the discomfort of Kayln...but Kayln couldn't say anything...and neither could I...and Kassy knew that...finally after about 3 months of keeping this a secret from Morgan..Kayln told her...Unsurprisingly Kassy didn't hang out with the goup of us much anymore...


Morgan dated my brother for a short while then broke up...which left just Kayln and I and our relationship...I didn't see much of Kassy...only for about 20 mins. at school everyday where we would have small talk, joke around, hug, and then move on with life...




Last week my girlfriend and I had got talking about people who flirt alot...I don't know how we got on the subject...but Kassy popped up...Kayln confessed that she thought Kassy has always treated me 'different' than everyone else...Kayln said "I know she's very flirty with everyone...but MOSTLY you...she's drops everything for you...just to flirt or do anything with you"...I disagreed saying..."I think Kassy and I both think of each other as sisters...we're just really good friends...we both know alot about each other and it's always been like that"...then Kayln confessed when her and I started going out Kassy would say things like "You know I can never have what I want" when they would be talking about me...it was clear to Kayln that Kassy had liked me for along time...I was starting to think more and more about it...and it DOES make me wonder...but I'm not sure what to think for the fact that she flirts with everyone.

2 days ago brother had confessed to me that he always liked Kassy...and wanted to hang out with her...when the chance sprung up of course I wanted to hang out with her because she wasn't coming back to our school next year and I wouldn't be able to see her for awhile....but when I was online talking to Kassy to make a date where my brother her and I would hang out she said something very odd...she asked if I would like to smoke weed with her...(there had been a time once where I had smoked weed with her and we because VERY flirty twards eachother...but I didn't smoke pot anymore...)so I joked around about it and it soon turned into a joke insted of a serious question...we chose to hang out on sunday...and before she signed off she said "If you want to smoke I can get stuff...I won't tell a soul I promise...I know you want to" and she signed off...


WELL today was sunday...and it was awkward city...I haven't seen Kassy in almost 2 months...although there was all this time in between...Kassy only focused on my relationship with Kayln asking me questions like..."So how are things between you too??" "It's not boaring yet?" "Are you 2 happy?"...things were odd enough because she had her hands in my hair this whole time saying "wow your hair is really getting long!" after a little while my brother brought up the fact that he thought he was a "pimp" just as a joke...and I said as a joke "Man I wish I would have pimped before getting into a relationship!" Kassy seriously asked..."Why don't you just pimp now??" and winked at me. :eek: ..I laughed it off and said "I'm kidding!...besides...that's wrong!" and she laughed and smiled at me...I switched subjects very VERY quickly haha...



After the under lining fact from Kayln that she might still be interested in me...the exchange in information about my relationship...and the fact that she was STILL persistent on getting me high...but now..I'm really starting to believe my girlfriend...in the start it seemed like Kassy was jealous of my relationship with Kayln and wanted something like we had...and now it just seems like she just might be interested in "doing something" with me :confused: ...


but then I think...maybe no?...we're close friends...and she's flirty to start with :o ...after all Kassy DID set Kayln and I up!! If she liked me and wanted me like Kayln is making me think she does.....then why would she set us up!?!?




WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!! Anyone know!? Any advice!?...Does anyone know what Kassy is doing!? ADVICE PLLLLLLLLEASE!!!!!


P.s. sorry this is so long...you're amazing if you read this whole thing LOL

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ok, first, sorry if i mix nasmes. too many k's :p Thats my advice. J/K. Anyway, it sounds as if Kassy wants to be able to have you available to her whenver she wants you to be. Maybe she thought by hooking you up with kaylayn, taht it would back fire, and you would hook up with kassy instead. I would just ask kassy straight out, whats going on, becuase clearly she isnt making any sense to you. Maybe it is all fun and games and means absolutley nothing. In that respect, I am kind of going through the same thing you are as well. My boyfreind and I are kind of split up(I dont live with him anymore), and there is this other guy at work, that I flirt with SO badly, and there is definately a lot of sexual inuendos in our flirting. Its fun, but confusing as well. Becuase I dont know if he really has an interest in me, or what. SO I know how you feel. I say, just go with the flow, let things happen as they will happen. As Kassy what is her deal, becuase SHE may not even know. She may just enjoy the ability to flirt with you , and think its fun, though it will never lead to anything. Let us know what happens.

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What you need to ask yourself is: What do I want and what is it worth to me? What Kassy wants/is doing is only relevant in the light of the answer to that question.

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lol I suppose that is pretty important...


The reason I want to know...is if she really is flirting with me...if she really is trying to get some where with me....I wanna let her know I'm not interested...insted of guessing what I'm doing; if I'm flirting back or just joking around. I don't want to hurt her feelings by her thinking I'm leading her on...because I'm really not......I also wanna know if Kayln is really jealous of Kassy and my friendship...or if she is really right...that kassy does in fact like me. :confused:


Does that make sense? Is my way of going about this right?

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What probably bothered Kayln is that Kassy sat on your lap and seemed to be flirting with you, and you didn't attempt to stop her at the time. Even though you may not have encouraged Kassy to act that way towards you, or seen it as flirting, Kayln did. It's hard to be rational at times about someone you love.


It sounds like Kassy is interested in you, either for a friends with benefits situation or an actual relationship. If you feel uncomfortable about her flirting with you, change the topic or just keep ignoring her comments. If Kassy is ever direct about her feelings, you should be honest that you don't feel the same way about her, even if it means that your friendship with her cools.

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You're right.


The truth is like I said...Kassy is very flirty with alot of people...but no one ever tells her to "stop" ya know? Like she does almost the same things to Kayln..and Kayln has never told her to stop....and when Kassy flirts with me...it seems to me it's not different than how she flirts with anyone else....so I never tell her "No"...I didn't realize that Kassy was so "different" and MORE flirty with me...until Kayln told me herself that Kassy flirts with me "different"...


does that make sense?

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