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Why are guys like they are?

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I was just wondering why so many guys that I meet seem so cool when I first meet them and next thing I find out they're a major jerk that's playing around on their girlfriend?

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Guys like the security of having a girlfriend or wife at home and then to fool around on the side. This is an unfortunate but true fact of life. Why they do it? Maybe they need reassurance and want to make sure they "haven't lost their touch". Who really knows for sure though? All I can say is, be careful, and watch out, especially for those married men. You know, the ones who say, "yeah, I'm married, but it's not going well, and were getting divorced soon, and, blah, blah, blah." Don't believe them! They just want some action on the side to satisfy their macho urges! If you get involved with a married man, be prepared to be cast aside when they've had enough, and trust me, they won't leave their wife for you 90% of the time, even if you think they will.

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Guys like the security of having a girlfriend or wife at home and then to fool around on the side. This is an unfortunate but true fact of life. Why they do it? Maybe they need reassurance and want to make sure they "haven't lost their touch". Who really knows for sure though? All I can say is, be careful, and watch out, especially for those married men. You know, the ones who say, "yeah, I'm married, but it's not going well, and were getting divorced soon, and, blah, blah, blah." Don't believe them! They just want some action on the side to satisfy their macho urges! If you get involved with a married man, be prepared to be cast aside when they've had enough, and trust me, they won't leave their wife for you 90% of the time, even if you think they will.




There are two things each one of us in life needs to focus on a bit better. 1.) "The Rules" are societies biggest insult to women, and 2.) Men cannot be classified into one collective of disorganized thought.



Each person on this planet is a unique individual with their own individual thoughts, beliefs, wishes, hopes, and dreams. And each person out there has different qualities that we seek for when entering relationship situations. Some individuals possess qualities that we find attractive and others possess qualities that we find unattractive. Some a mixture of both. Dating is our way of socially testing the waters and seeking out those qualities we find admirable in a person. Just because you've had bad experiences with certain persons in the past, does not immediately discredit an entire gender. Men and women are biologically different. That's about it. The rest is imprinted into their heads by society. What colors they should prefer, what toys they play with, what occupations they pursue, all are taught to us, either subconsciously or consciously by our parents and society. What we see others doing, what we are shown, and what we are taught reflect who we are as individuals. Gender socialization is a big factor in what determines who and what we are. More than likely your approach to seeking out partners is what is causing you to find similar faults in those you choose to have relationships with. If you have an ideal person in your mind of who you'd like to pursue something serious with, then strive for that goal until you obtain it. However, remember that all people have faults -- no one is perfect. Part of a relationship is learning how to deal with a persons flaws and how to bring out their positive aspects. Casting stones at all men for the faults of those who you've selected to be a part of your life isn't fair to yourself, nor to the other billions of men on Earth. Best wishes to you.






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I was just wondering why so many guys that I meet seem so cool when I first meet them and next thing I find out they're a major jerk that's playing around on their girlfriend?



Your not surrounding yourself with the right guys. Sure they seem like a**h***s but that's because they are. Believe me there are sensitive, terrific guys out there. They may even be more sensitive than you. When you find one you'll know take my word for it. Don't give up he's out there.

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