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I just wanted to write to you guys and that I have appreciated everything that you guys have done.


I am actually pretty happy since we have broke up. It is nice not to worry about a relationship. I never thought that I could be this happy after we broke up. I guess it gets easier every time.


I actually have a date tomorrow night with this nice girl that I met on the Internet. We talked for 3 hours last night about everything! It was pretty nice. I can't wait until tomorrow, but I am REALLY nervous because I haven't been on a date for over 4 years! I hope she can't tell that I am a rookie at dating. I will crossing my fingers.


Any ideas on what we may talk about tomorrow or do because I think we talked about everything last night. I don't want to have a bad first date because then I would probably be scared away from dating. :)


Well, I guess that's it. Just checking in.



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Good to hear you are OK


Just take it easy on the date and don't make too big a deal about it, especially so soon after your breakup.


And don't worry about having nothing to say, I used to worry about this and arrive with what I though was an empty head, but once the conversation gets going it all comes flooding out, even more so if you have something in common.

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"I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer so I know I'm missing something here...and subjecting myself to mounds of embarassment but you write in your post: "I can't wait until tomorrow, but I am REALLY nervous because I haven't been on a date for over 4 years!"


OK, now, you already know my elevator doesn't stop on the mezzanine so I may have this all wrong. But we have been giving you advice about a lady you've been going out with for the last few months and who you just broke up with. But now you are telling us you haven't been on a date in four years?????????????????"


Well, this may very well be the source of your problem. Maybe you forgot your ex was your girlfriend and never asked her out. Or maybe you just never took your girlfriend on a date????


I am really lost here. I hope you will clear this up for me. Again, I've never taken drugs so I'm not spaced out. I've also had plenty of sleep. Just woke up from a nap. But I am most curious about how you have not had a date in four years when you just broke up with a lady.


I thought maybe you meant four DAYS or four MONTHS, but neither of those would fit your situation either. I am just as stumped as you are, Adam!!!

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Glad to hear from you Ace.


If you have not been on a date in four years...well that explains a lot of things that have recently transpired.


I don't know what to tell you to talk with her about, but I can tell you what NOT to talk to her about - ;) - no what I mean!


Whatever you do, from now on, always treat a lady you go out with like she is a date. Even if she has been your girlfriend for four years!


Good luck and have a good time.

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Hiya Tony,


Actually, I know what he means. People often (myself included) make a distinction between going out on a date with someone new (that whole dating scene), and being in an actual long term relationship. There is a difference!! haha. Meeting someone brand new, and going out for the first few times can be very nervewracking, and nothing that you can compare to the familiarity of having been in a past relationship.



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You made a great point...which may be a major part of a lot of people's problems. When we stop dating someone and start a relationship, so often we cease those nice courtesies like calling for dates, opening doors for ladies, etc. and start taking the person for granted.


Even psychologists recommend that couples who have been married a long time and find themselves in a rut start "dating" again...have a "date" once a week.


I understand what your saying and I agree with you that seeing someone in a relationship is different. I think often it's that difference that, over a period of time, perhaps diminishes the respect and awe in a relationship and ultimately destroys it.


And I totally agree that Ace hasn't been on a date for a long, long time. Understand you real well on that point.

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You remind me of Forrest Gump's mama. You have such a simple way of sayin' things...so I can understand.


Do you really think life is like a box of chocolates?

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