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How do I time this?


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Hey! I'm new around here, sorry to ask for advice in my first post! I just need some advice on how to deal with this situation. I semi-recently made friends with a girl in my college social scene - we actually have a ton of mutual friends and I'm not sure why we didn't meet sooner. Anyway, I'm very interested in her romantically, and briefly thought she felt the same way - it's possible that she was interested in me initially and I didn't send the right signals at the time. Not sure, and I don't think it matters much now. We've definitely become platonic friends rapidly, and I really have no idea how to move forward from here. I'm not used to trying to date someone I'm already increasingly good friends with. Do I say anything now about how I feel now, or do I wait until we've hung out one-on-one more? I'm afraid to wait too long, as she's definitely going after guys sporadically and talking to guys on Tinder at least sometimes.


Anyway, any advice you give is much appreciated! :) I hope you all have a great week.

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How do you know she's talking to guys on Tinder? You might be in the friend zone. If she's going after guys sporadically, why wouldn't she go after you if she wanted you?


I would probably leave it alone. If you tell her and she doesn't feel the same way, things are going to feel pretty awkward.

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I've never made any interest particularly clear, and like I said we're definitely in a platonic relationship at the moment. Her casually mentioning Tinder or whatever else in a group setting is what I'm talking about here.

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Since you mentioned you have mutual friends, maybe you can ask one of your friends to find out how this person feels about you? Good luck!

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