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Dr. Laura Schlessinger anyone??

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Don't some of you find this person a bit harsh and old-fashoned? Some of her ideas on sex before marriage are outdated, and she always sounds as if she is scolding people when they phone in. I disagree with this harsh approach to giving sex/relationship advice.


What do you think?


In case you didn't know Dr. Laura has a radio and TV program where people call or write questions pertaining to relationships and love.

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she may be a little harsh....but honestly I think she's just blunt and to the point doesn't sugar coat anything for anyone. SHE TELLS THE TRUTH. which allot of people don't like to hear. You say yu think she sounds like she's scolding.....she's trying to HIT them with the truth. Make it hit home and sometimes you have to be a littler overdramatic to make a point and for people to get it through thier thick heads, to actully make a change. You may think her ways afre old fashioned but she makes it very clear she's Jewish and sticks to her mral and ethical beliefs and one of the key elements in that faith is not sex before marriage. Not outdated....SMART. Just because everyone is having sexual relations outside of marriage doesn't make it right. I love her shows! You bash her yet watch her show in turn supporting her. so obviously you must respect her and her opinions to an extent.

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The great thing about radio is you can turn it off.


Dr. Laura's syndicated television show was cancelled because of her radical views, particularly about homosexuals, and poor ratings.


Her style is excellent for a one-on-one therapy session but in my view she is much too harsh sometimes with callers who are having their very first encounter with a therapist. On the other hand, she doesn't deal with problems that are too psychologically complex on her radio program.


I think it has its place and I think her advice is sound but she is extremely conservative generally. Every therapist has his or her own style and she has hers. Perhaps she is the direction broadcasting is going. Her program could be the advice show equivalent of the new quiz show, The Weakest Link.


I also do think people are helped and sometimes people need a little kick in the butt to think. And I'm sure she gets a bit upset with people calling her about really stupid problems that could be solved by the house cat.


She's OK, but if I want a conservative to solve my problems I prefer Rush Limbaugh.

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so I am not really sure what she is all about. If you don't like the show, don't listen to it. It is her show, she has her views and she is allowed to express them whether people like them or not. If people listen to her on a regular basis, then they should know what to expect when they call her up asking her for her advice. I am sure a lot of the old-fashioned people had a problem with Dr. Ruth Westenheimer when she came out.


One show I can't stand is Howard Stern. I think he is a disgusting pig. So I don't watch him. If you hear her show on the radio or whatever, just flip the channel.

Don't some of you find this person a bit harsh and old-fashoned? Some of her ideas on sex before marriage are outdated, and she always sounds as if she is scolding people when they phone in. I disagree with this harsh approach to giving sex/relationship advice. What do you think? In case you didn't know Dr. Laura has a radio and TV program where people call or write questions pertaining to relationships and love.
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I don't necessarily care for what he says but I just love the fact that a guy can come up out of nowhere and put his finger right on the pulse of what the masses want to see and hear...and make millions.


I also love to watch Jerry Springer sometimes...not for the content...but just to watch and study what the masses actually enjoy watching. It is hysterical. Even the bouncers on his show get a kick out of the stupid guests.

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