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One Night Stand?

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Okay so I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not but I need some advice. I had a one night stand with a guy on Friday night. We were both at this fancy evening event which was semi-work related.

I just got out of a relationship a few months ago and was honestly just there to have a good time with friends, especially a lot who I hadn't seen in a long time. But anyway, I got chatting to this guy a bit later in the night when a lot of my friends were already either too drunk to function/crying/hooking up themselves. Now, I was pretty drunk and I'm not saying that it was love at first sight or anything like that but I do genuinely remember having a good time chatting to him and we were chatting for surprisingly a long time before any happened from it. In my inebriated state I wasn't really thinking about my behaviours or whether this was going to go any further and slept with him.

Normally I'm actually quite good at one night stands, do the deed and then kind of forget about it within a couple of days. But that was Friday and we are now approaching Wednesday and it is still on my mind to try and contact him. I HAVE managed to find him on Facebook and Instagram. However there are three problems here 1) there was no mention of surnames during our encounter - I just looked through the friends lists of some other people I knew who were at that dinner that knew him 2) his first name on FB is a shortened version of his real name so realistically I shouldn't have been able to find him and 3) he doesn't actually allow people to add him as a friend on FB if you have no mutual friends (no 2 and 3 are probably related to the nature of his job...). So the fact that I managed to find him on FB is a bit creepy - I know I'm judging myself.

I logged onto my old FB acc by chance yesterday and he has actually come up in my suggested friends because we have a mutual friend on that account (this is an account with waaayyyy more friends) and I think because we were in close proximity it has suggested us to each other but I virtually never use that account (as in not in the past three years) so it might look a bit odd if I added him from that.




I am not so much asking whether or not I SHOULD make contact with him. I'm pretty certain I want to but it's more HOW do I go about it without it seeming weird/stalkerish. If his name was just his name on FB then I'd feel like I could be a bit more bold about it and just straight up message him but I feel super weird for having managed to find him (I actually don't know how I did). Ugggghhh, any advice?

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Hmm, yeah, you will look very stalkery if you contact him through FB. What was the situation on Saturday morning? If you were at his place did he say he had to be somewhere or did he encourage you to hang around? And if you were at your place did he hang around or leave soon after he woke up? Did he hint that he'd like to see you again? I find most guys will find the guts to ask for your contact details if they really want to see you again.

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Well, you did the most intimate thing that two human beings can do, so I don't think he's going to mind you contacting him...

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No contact info...he did leave quickish in the morning but he had some where to be which he had already mentioned to me the night before so I didn't take that too personally (I mean maybe he was just getting his excuses in early...).

I dont really have high hopes for the situation and I'm not reading into anything that happened too much. It would just be nice to get in touch with him, see if he wants to go for a drink or something and if not then I can forget about the whole thing and move on from it...if I don't do that though then I know I will keep playing it over in my mind. It's just trying to work out the least creepy way to approach it!

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I was thinking of shooting him a message on my FB account saying "I feel like a bit of a creeper but you popped up as a mutual friend on my other FB account so though I'd say hello :)" or something along those lines...can't think of another uncreepy way to do it haha.

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I was thinking of shooting him a message on my FB account saying "I feel like a bit of a creeper but you popped up as a mutual friend on my other FB account so though I'd say hello :)" or something along those lines...can't think of another uncreepy way to do it haha.



Yeah, do it, you have LITERALLY nothing to lose. ;)

Are you 100% sure it's him, though?

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