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I'm not attracting the guys I want

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How do I improve myself to attract the guys I want? Improve my appearance or personality, but how? The problem is I am opposite of the type of guy I'm into. I attract men from subcultures that I'm not into. Do any other women have this issue or know how to alleviate it?

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How do I improve myself to attract the guys I want? Improve my appearance or personality, but how? The problem is I am opposite of the type of guy I'm into. I attract men from subcultures that I'm not into. Do any other women have this issue or know how to alleviate it?


What kind of men do you want?


What kind of person are you?


Define your terms, that's half the battle.

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What subcultures are you talking about exactly?


Based on your last thread, I would say it's not so much about the men you attract but the way you interact with them that is the problem.

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How do I improve myself to attract the guys I want? Improve my appearance or personality, but how? The problem is I am opposite of the type of guy I'm into. I attract men from subcultures that I'm not into. Do any other women have this issue or know how to alleviate it?


First of all, what do you mean by 'subculture?' What kind of man are you seeking? And how do you compare or not?

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Maybe take a breather from worrying about dating or relationships and instead focus your attention on healthier boundaries and communication with potential partners. If your other threads are any indication, you're going to continue yielding poor results regardless of the guy, because you cannot get out of your own way.

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