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Signs your boyfriend is cheating

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Does anyone else have any signs that a boyfriend is cheating? Can my insecurity be the cause of my "gut feeling?" My boyfriend has a job that attracts a lot of attention from women because it's a pretty respected profession - I have always been the jealous type. Can this be the reason I have a "gut feeling?" I am so scared that he'll leave me for someone prettier or younger. I am told that I am very attractive and that HE'S lucky to have me, but I'm still very insecure if my looks are good enough-since I know regardless of how good one looks, there's always going to be someone who looks better. Everytime I check on him, (without him knowing) he's ALWAYS where he's sup. to be. I've also checked his cell phone and home phone bills, pagers, messages at home and work (I have his codes)and I still haven't come up with any proof in 1 and a half years. I also have access to his Visa and checking account bills/transactions and am often in his home alone with unlimited time to snoop if I feel the urge. I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes. PLEASE HELP ME!

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OMG Get a grip girl. 1 year and half and you STILL think he's gonna leave you for someone prettier?? He obviously loves you to stay with you for that long... He's not going anywhere chicky! STOP FREEKIN OUT! come on....phone bills?? pagers, checking his answering machine, VISA BILLS?? are you NUTS?? If he finds out what a crazy woman you're being he might up and leave. Stop stalking him....that's enough to drive anyone away... checking his bills and #####....that's just NOT RIGHT! You're totally being paranoid. If he was simply looking for someone whose prettier he woulda up and left aready. and if he does....he's not worth it. Looks won't keep a realationship going. it takes something much deeper. Focus on him and you...communication and you know if he doesn't already know you've been rifeling through his ##### you better hope he doesn't find out. TRUST HIM If you can't do that....then you shouldn't be together. Trust is key.....without it you're doomed! Discuss your insecurity with the relationship......that way he'll understand and be able to reassure you and be ther for you. If would take a whole load of worries off ya!

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I hope you read 2ply's response. You have a lot of serious problems that your boyfriend doesn't need. Talk to him, tell him how you feel. Get some therapy or get away from him. Your thinking borders on the paranoid.


I would NEVER tolerate a girlfriend who did the things you do. NEVER. Every person deserves his or her privacy.


If this relationship is driving you this nuts, get out of it. If I had a girlfriend who felt like you, I wouldn't take the time to start up my car....I would just start running.


No matter who you are with, you have my absolute guarantee that they can ALWAYS find someone else. ALWAYS. Nature is not cruel. Nature always provides us with someone else in case a relationship doesn't work. In your case, your boyfriend will probably find a girl just as beautiful as you and FAR MORE TRUSTING within a block or two of his home.


So you better get yourself together now. See a counsellor immediately. You are in critical condition!!! Please do this for yourself. PLEASE!!!

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Oh my god! I feel SOOOO sorry for your boyfriend. He hasn't done ANYTHING wrong for you to go as far as you did.


You said, "I am so scared that he'll leave me for someone prettier or younger".


Honey, don't worry about him leaving you for someone prettier or younger. But TRUST ME, he will definitely leave you for someone with less insecurities and more self-confidence if you don't shape up REALLLY soon.


Get your act together, stop snooping around in his personal matters, and go read a few books on how to raise your self-esteem. If you can't do this, then PLEASE break up with him and let him find someone that will TRUST him.

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