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Did my fwb fell inlove with me?

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My heart is pounding so hard... I am seeking for answers and I hope you can share some light to all this confusion I am going through. I am a littled scared to know the answer but I think I have to face it.


Had fwb back 6 years ago, we met online and we clicked so we decided to meet up. he was a lot younger than me and at the time I was not looking for anything serious and so was he.


After 7 months of hooking up, I felt that I was slowly falling for him but I kept it to myself as I knew from the beginning he was too young and not looking for anything serious. My fubu denies until now that he had feelings for me but his actions then told me differently.


Are these signs that he did fell for me too?:


1. He sent me texts the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed. He sent me messages all day asking me how my day went and sharing his as well. He was actually reprimanded a few times by his boss for getting caught texting with me while at work and he was losing his head over a p***y


2. He called me babe or baby


3. He wanted to spend the night together every weekend, he paid for a hotel every weekend so we can spend the night together


4. He always held my hand in public and even when sleeping


5. He took me to movies or dinner. I caught him a few times staring me while watching a movie.


6. One time he gave me a purse, the he said it was not a gift. His reason for giving me the purse was his sister liked a different one when in fact he can still return it


7. He panicked whenever I try to ignore his text or if I get delayed in response for an hour or two. He starts asking if anything is wrong but the truth most of the time was just me being busy. He would send me call cards so I can reply him all the time


8. He traveled 8 miles per way and paid expensive taxi ride everytime he sees me


9. He said sorry to me because he saw another girl everytime goes home where he grew for a week long holiday every other month. It puzzled me everytime he did


10. He was very naughty and cuddly at times. He told me how he loves having sex with me


11. He told me he liked himself when he is with me but he becomes different when back home with his friends


Now I have read all the rules of fwb and what not to do. All the above signs tells me he had feelings for me but wouldnt admit it.


One day I decided to break up because I met someone else and wanted to have a serious relationship. He was cool about it but kept discouraging me about my guy. I was firm I wanted to move on so I split up with him and we parted ways but remained friends. We talked occasionally over text as friends, I was his confidant. A year later he apologized to me for all the things he said about my bf. He said he was wrong about him and told me that I am better off without him and that he is happy I found a lasting relationship, he unfriended me on faacebook and dispappeared for a while.


I am married now and he crossed my mind lately so I got curious how he has been all these years. With no other intention but to wish him well. I came across his profile and followed it. He sent me a message, he still remembers me. The conversation was fine until he asked about me and my bf, i told him we just got married a month ago. The air suddenly changed, he started being rude and talking dirty to me which I didnt like. Then he started remembering our nights together in a very graphic way after that he told me that he lived a full life before and after me. He has a new gf now which I told him I am happy for him and then he suddenly described how good she is in bed which is whats important to him.


I am confused, after all these years why is he acting like this? I will admit it was hurtful because we parted ways in good terms I thought we have both moved on.


Is my instinct right? That he fell for me too??

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I am married now and he crossed my mind lately so I got curious how he has been all these years. With no other intention but to wish him well. I


Is my instinct right? That he fell for me too??



yes. maybe. who knows? who cares?


you do.



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I doubt your husband would appreciate you contacting your old FWB. Okay now you know he is doing find, sounds like a jerk, having great sex with his new gf. Okay, good for him. It sounds like this guy liked the relationship (FWB) while it lasted and remembered the sex. Okay, so what and why do you care? You have a husband to think about so stop following your ex FWB. It's inappropriate.

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Who cares, this was years ago and you're married. You should let this go before your husband finds out. Your old fwb is probably confused about why your contacting him, he might assume you're interested again. (That's why he's acting this way)

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He wasn't in love with you. He was in love with sex, and that seems to be all he remembers or cares to rehash about your relationship now, so if you're smart, you'll lose his number and focus on your husband.

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