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Bf acting wierd on the phone?

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So 1st off I want to say there is a really good chance this is nothing and im just being to sensitive but something strange happened tonight my bf just started a new job a few nights ago hes a over night worker and his co worker is a female shes training him at the moment so...skip to tonight and he texts me on his lunch so I call him we chat for a while and im like so hows so and so doing the co worker went home sick last night so thought ide be nice and ask..


Now bf replies with "oh shes around some were were both just enjoying the night" and then he giggles actually giggles..now it hit me as a odd response so I asked a second time and got pretty much he same response..my question is would any of you find this as off or odd? it was the way in witch he said it to and the giggle..I know that giggle its hard to explain..but yeah..


Im not saying they are banging on the counter tops but it just hit me as weird...other then this things have been ok he always text me while hes there and when hes home we are pretty much inseparable we have some odd issues in the bed room and a total lack of intimacy but I dont really wanna get into that..I was just wondering what people would think in my situation...Thanks guys..

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Thanks guys..


I used to work for a Travel agency and did a couple overnight shifts. Ironically I had a co-worker who had exactly the same shifts as me and was female. My ex used to feel like you currently feel sometimes. She used to ring me to check up on me and to see how I was doing, I would mostly react normally but sometimes when you're in an office a lot of funny s*** can happen. She never used to fully understand why but I just ensured her that there was a lot of humor in the vicinity.


I think you shouldn't feel too sensitive about this, but I also understand as to why you might; you're curious. He is probably bonding with her, but probably not in a romantic or intimate way. I've been coached and given guidance to co-workers, acquaintances before and had developed both a working and personal attachment to them. But besides that, nothing serious or deceiving no. She may have just been sharing a joke with him, or maybe he's just feeling incredibly good that day.


Don't think too much about it. I don't think there's anything to worry about. However, if it becomes insanely repetitive and there are more signs that make you think otherwise, I'd definitely want to be aware at that point.

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My first thought would be to trust your instincts. I'm not saying accuse him of anything.. what I am saying is if you feel something is off then keep your eyes open and also communicate with him about it. It was very considerate of you to ask about her, kuddos on that!! Communication is always key in relationships and once you talk to him about it, you will know if you still feel like it is something to be concerned about or not.

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Thanks for the responses guys well turns out the girl wasn't even working last night he ended up with a new co worker a male so im not to sure why he said what he did maybe I didn't hear him correctly? im not to sure ive been tired lately trying to get use to this new schedule..turns out its her weekend..and I def know nothing is going on with him and a guy...LOL... yeah I usually try to be considerate in general it just takes a sec to be nice to people.. and it might make their day alot better unless im really having a bad day then I kinda keep to myself but yeah..


I think the thing is hes kinda broken my trust once before I caut him cheating on me on line with a girl he met in a game they did stuff via chat and Skype but it never went in to Rl.. but even so it was very hurtful and the fact he had done it once before that and told me he never would again and then he got caut out again my trust has always been shaky even tho I know I have to try and get over it the thoughts always there of IF and when he might do it in RL..

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I think the thing is hes kinda broken my trust once before I caut him cheating on me on line with a girl he met in a game they did stuff via chat and Skype but it never went in to Rl.. but even so it was very hurtful and the fact he had done it once before that and told me he never would again and then he got caut out again my trust has always been shaky even tho I know I have to try and get over it the thoughts always there of IF and when he might do it in RL..


Ohh, that changes everything. He has history. Well, keep an extra eye out.


and I def know nothing is going on with him and a guy...LOL...


Oh, you'll be surprised to some things that can happen. Never rule out anything :p

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Oh, you'll be surprised to some things that can happen. Never rule out anything :p



No seriously im 200% sure hes not Bi or gay..not that those are bad things but hes made it clear..ive dated a Bi guy who turned out to be fully gay before so I know all about it..but thanks for the response anyways..

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I don't understand why anyone would stay in a relationship where they have to constantly keep an eye out to see if their SO is cheating on them again.


TBH it's not healthy to be torturing yourself over this.

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