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Urine on the face?


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I started seeing a lady and I have noticed that she has a super nice and glowing skin, and later I found out that she has been applying her own urine???????????????? Oh God, has someone heard of it before? How am I supposed to kiss her face after this? I am really freaking out here, but her sking looks so beautiful and it is glowing??? Is it true that urine can make the face this nice???

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Bobby Dygytul

I dunno, maybe she is just PISSED off!!!!! LOL


you wrote: "but her sking looks so beautiful and it


is glowing??? "


FYI - NO normal humans from this existing planet EARTH has skin that glows unless some kind of chemical or paint is aplied to it or it is burnt or has had some kinda radiation exposed to it.


Bobby D


I started seeing a lady and I have noticed that she has a super nice and glowing skin, and later I found out that she has been applying her own urine???????????????? Oh God, has someone heard of it before? How am I supposed to kiss her face after this? I am really freaking out here, but her sking looks so beautiful and it is glowing??? Is it true that urine can make the face this nice???
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Is it true that urine can make the face this nice???


Well, yeah...I've fallen face first into many loos and I always come out looking a million dollars. I've been trying to patent it for years, but I haven't found anyone who thinks that "oil of urine" would be a hit.


jokes aside....are you sure she's not joking?? I remember reading an article once about peeing in the shower and how it's good for the skin on your feet (i'm being serious).


i'd suss her out...ask her if she'd recommend the same thing for guys...do you have to start doing this young for it to be effective...how do you store it - in the refrigerator, on the windowsill...is fresh best...and then tell her about your secret desire to date a trough.


ewww, i hope for your sake she is pulling your toilet chain. that is grose!


personally, i prefer sorbolene cream, but each to their own.

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Give her a urine sample, have her apply it, and see if that makes her look better yet.


Better yet, have her take a soaking bath and see what it does for her all over.


This is not a chick I would want to kiss. Poop on that!!!

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Goto a search engine, you will find a lot of information on "urine therapy". For even more information, read the following books:


Martha Christy's "Your Own Perfect Medicine",


Coen van der Kroon's "The Golden Fountain",


CP Mithal's "Miracles of Urine Therapy".


All these books will basically tell you how "Urine is a medicinal, cleansing, and nourishing food..." and the benefits of massaging it on your skin.




This is disgusting.

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I don't mind telling anybody, sometimes, when I go to the bathroom I pee on my finger by accident.


You know what?...MY FINGER IS NOT GLOWING!


Now, granted, I always (well, most of the time) was it off. But you would think, after so many years of peeing on my finger, it would at least glow a little bit.


Go figure????????

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I've heard of it. Some people will do anything for 'beauty'.


Urine has uric acid in it, which some think can help the skin cell renewal process.


But urine is also waste material. Personally, I wouldn't want it near my face. It also makes me wonder why she would tell people about this. I guess it's a good thing, so you know in advance the smell you thought was her perfume!

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