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Awkward situation

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I'm having an odd situation with a girl.


I first met her through mutual friends at a few parties. She was very quiet, yet had a certain thing about her that drew (and draws) me to her.


We slowly started chatting and i was getting to know her, but then i made the mistake of letting a mutual friend know that i liked her, but that i had my doubts on her relationship-readiness as well (she was quite the party-hardy, meeting a lot of people and getting drunk on a very regular base). Before long, i saw screenshots of my own conversations being sent to me by some other mutual friends.


She got really awkward after that. For instance, she suddenly apologized about kissing someone (i didn't even knew they did until she started talking to me), telling me she regretted it. Conversations pretty much died after that.


Fast forward several months, we met again at a party. She had been drinking (it was a free booze party, so i don't blame her, i was drunk as well), and suddenly ended up with me and my friends (none of them mutual friends). She started a funny conversation, only to abruptly tell me: "you know, you really blew your chances with me. You went way too fast", after which she just walked off. I stood stunned for a few minutes.


She's been behaving oddly since, pretty much "ignoring" me (never approaching) but when we're talking, either alone or through friends, she's always shy and smiling.


What should i make of this?

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What should i make of this?


People who are drunk all the time do not make for good relationship partners. And tend to be crazy.

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What should you make of it??


1) Your "friend" wasn't your friend


2) Loose lips sink ships


3) This girl would have been trouble anyway. Good riddance!!

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The girl probably still likes you but is giving you mixed messages likely blurred from drinking. She is a crazy one!


Your friend should NOT have sent the screenshots of that convo to people. Don't ever trust that person again, they aren't your friend if they do that.


I once dated a girl for a few months in a situation that is very similar to yours.


First time I met her at a party, we click because we were both quiet that night and not into the party. She was cute and we hit it off well that night. She turned out to be into the drinking scene and actually not so quiet, must have caught her on an off night. Still I liked her and told a friend, who happened to know one of her friends and it got back to her. He wasn't being malicious over it, he said you are into this girl, let me tell her friend and see where it goes.


She got strangely shy when we texting me but she'd really hit on me hard when I saw her out but and then pull back at the end of night. I played this game with here for a few weeks and finally got a date with her that turned into a relationship. But there were always issues when we were together because she had a crazy personality and went out to drink every weekend whether I could join her or not.


It was a fun ride for a few months but eventually I just couldn't handle the drama anymore and broke it off with her. It wasn't worth the headache.

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You call those people ' friends' ? Anyway, she doesn't sound relationship material. Too drunk and she could have handled the situation better rather than saying it out loud to you.

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