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Breastfeeding in public ( rant)

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I nurse my newborn as I did with my son when he was an infant there is a 5 year difference between them but I nursed my son in public then ( discreatly of course) and wouldn't think of it now, Nursing mothers don't seem to be accepted at all anymore. And it seems like it offends some people.


Why is it so offensive?


I am so glad I invested in a electric pump or I wouldn't beable to leave my house.

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Because men see breasts as sexual objects now days, not feeding objects. So the women are naturally jealous.

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Originally posted by Stone

I nurse my newborn as I did with my son when he was an infant there is a 5 year difference between them but I nursed my son in public then ( discreatly of course) and wouldn't think of it now, Nursing mothers don't seem to be accepted at all anymore. And it seems like it offends some people.


Why is it so offensive?


I am so glad I invested in a electric pump or I wouldn't beable to leave my house.


I belong to another forum and we had this big discussion on breast feeding in public and I was amazed how some of the women were soooooooooooooooo opposed to it, they kept talking about women "whipping out their breast in public" and i thought that was so dang exaggerated. My God, everywhere you turn today - on TV, media, magazines, etc...there's boobs. Who hasn't seen a boob? The were created primarily for feeding one's offspring......it's just society that's turned them into something taboo that's associated only with sex.


You go right ahead and breastfeed wherever you dang well please and to heck with whoever takes offense to it. It's a natural thing to do, breastmilk is the absolute best thing for a baby for the first 6 months.......don't worry about what anyone thinks.

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I don't think it's a big deal. However, I have never actually seen a woman nursing her child in public. It's highly encouraged, but hardly ever done. I wanted to breast feed my son. I had my mind set for a long time. People tried to tell me how much of a pain it is, but I didn't care. I had to have an emergency C-section though. I was in so much pain and could hardly move, and by the time I tried to nurse him he was already used to the bottle the nurses were giving him. He just wouldn't take it.


I never even thought of using a pump. Well, now I know for next time. That is, if I ever decided to have another child.

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Eh when I breastfed my wee peeps I was discreet but if anyone looked at me sideways and made any remark (yes it actually happend from time to time) I replied "Would you want to eat your lunch in the ladies room? I thought not!"

:lmao: Screw em!

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"Would you want to eat your lunch in the ladies room? I thought not!"


That's priceless! I'll definitely keep that in mind if I decide to have another baby.

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Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

That's priceless! I'll definitely keep that in mind if I decide to have another baby.




Always worked in shutting people down!

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Originally posted by Merin

"Would you want to eat your lunch in the ladies room? I thought not!"

:lmao: Screw em!


:lmao: I love it!!


I've only ever seen it once or twice. They're so discreet about it.

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I don't see the big deal either. My older sister use to breast feed all the time in public, but of course now-a-days they have that feeding blanket that raps around you and the baby while you breast feed so the boob isn't all over the place. (Do you know which one I'm talking about ?)


The baby needs to eat bottom line and sometimes you're on the go. Woman out of all people should know this. Now if you're sitting in the middle of the mall in the food court with your tit hanging out and you can actually see the baby sucking on your breast with milk coming out, that's horrible.

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Having nursed all of my children, when I see another woman doing it, I get a warm feeling remembering those early days. When you could cuddle your baby so close, and his little hand would wrap around your finger, or lay on your heart as he fell asleep drinking in your arms. So for me, I have to force myself NOT to stare, because it brings back warm memories and I think it's beautiful. I have a painting a friend made of me nursing my youngest.


I'm not a LaLeche Nazi or anything, don't get me wrong - but I can't imagine this controversy anywhere else. Can you see telling your dog she can't nurse her pups in the living room because it offends you? Hello? Uh that's what breasts are for!


I say, if you want to nurse your child - do it. If you are uncomfortable with the exposure, you can tuck a nice lightweight blanket under your bra strap as a drape for privacy.

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Yeah, it definitely wouldn't stop me. I'd be very private, modest, you know. But hell, the kids gotta eat!

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When I was a nursing mother, I'd quite happily "whip out" one of my (small) breasts, arrange a receiving blanket for some level of discretion, and nurse away. Kept the baby from crying. I'd rather have a dozen nursing mothers all around me, than one crying baby. Nobody ever said boo to me. My first was 100% breastfed.

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I dont' think there's anything wrong with public breasfeeding per se, as long as it's discreet.


The only time I've seen someone 'whip out a boob' was when I was visiting a European friend of mine. Europeans have a very different view of boobs than Americans do. She didn't use a blanket or try to be discreet or anything. So I got the full view; areolas, nipples, baby sucking, the works. I was pretty uncomfortable.....but not offended.


Nobody means to offend anyone by breastfeeding; babies need to eat. But I think people should be aware some people (those who don't have kids or those from certain cultures) are not used to seeing boobs hanging out!


I have to say, it DOES NOT look sexual at all, to see a baby breasftfeeding. I think it was just the concept of seeing someone practically naked from the waist down....

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I think I would just drape a light blanket so that no one will now. They probably would just think the baby is sleeping. I personally, do not like to see the mom's boob all over the place but I do not mind if it's something diecreet.

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Public breastfeeding is not that prevalent -- at least, I never see it or hear much about it.


As much of a dog lover as I am, there is a mighty big difference between a dog or cat or other animal nursing a litter than in a human woman breastfeeding a baby. I think its an absolutly silly comparison. A woman is not going to strip naked when she knows that humans (especially in the US) tend to equate nudity for any reason with sexuality and being immodest.


I don't see what there is to be jealous of? I do know some people who consider a woman who will nurse in public as a slut and that they are exhibitionists. Old school - women stayed home to raise the family and were seldom seen in public when they had nursing babies. If they did bring the baby out, it was to another person's home and they would go into a private room to nurse. Funny how that sense of propriety still seems to linger even with all the freedoms of sexual expression.

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Stone mentioned that breastfeeding isn't as popular as it used to be. I'm not sure if that's correct or not. I would think that it's a personal choice made with convenience in mind. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that it just may not be convenient because these days (generally) both partners work and kids are in day care or at grandma's house.


I have seen women breastfeed and didn't even know that they were breastfeeding. With a blanket draped the right way, it's hard to tell if the baby is breastfeeding or is just wrapped and sleeping.


I think that there is a time and place for everything, and anyone, whatever they do, should be polite enough to consider the present company. If one would be uncomfortable getting glaring looks, then I would think they would choose to do whatever they are doing away from glaring looks. You aren't going to stop others from reacting to what they see.


There was a thread on another forum once and the poster was complaining about the male neighbor of hers who would watch her breastfeed her baby from his place. Everyone jumped to her defense calling him a pig, blah, blah, blah. The thing is SHE choose to leave the blinds open . . . Yes, she was free to do what she wanted in her home, but if she isn't going to be part of the solution, then she was being part of the problem. Maybe her neighbor was getting those warm memories, too. LOL


I loved feeding my kids - with or without my boobs being involved.

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I love breastfeeding I've lost a ton of weight actually 32 lbs in 14 days, :D It's nice not to have to get out of bed in the middle of the night and warm a bottle, and it's free.. My girlfriend spends $75.00 a month to buy forumla... why buy milk when you have cows in the feild. :confused:

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Originally posted by Stone

why buy milk when you have cows in the feild. :confused:




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