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Need to figure out


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I've been flirting with a girl for some months now, and we kissed for the first time a couple of weeks ago (it's being kind of slow, I know)

The thing is that while this was happening a female friend of mine (who happens to also be the ex of another friend of mine)started to talk to me a lot more, we always see each other when going out, even if we don't go out together (in group), she asks me if I'm going out and when, and when we are together she is touching me a lot, hugging me (I'M not the only one who she hugs, but definitely the one who hugs the most), leaning on me, to the point that even 3 different friends have asked me about it.

I don't really know if she likes me because she even kissed one night in a club with a guy(just that night and I'm the club), but when I asked her about it she changed the topic really fast.


I don't know what to think, if she likes me or not and if it's worth it due to the situation I'm in.


Thanks in advance for the advice

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Some people are very flirty in general instead of tailoring personal boundaries individually. It is more socially acceptable in women so it can be confusing for guys. Can you imagine a guy who goes around constantly hugging on and leaning on women that are barely friends? Unless he was some rare super hottie most would find it inappropriate creeper behavior. But a woman doing the same thing is often considered more acceptable. So yeah it is understandable that this double standard could really confuse guys. Double standards suck both ways lol. But yeah if she is that way with most guys then it doesn't mean anything.

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