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I am new to this forum and basically any forum regarding this topic. My wife and I have been married for 12 years. We got along great and had some disagreements but nothing major. She moved out about 2 years ago. We are still married. The communication is lacking and I rarely here from her.


She has told me a few times that she wants to move on but never has attained a lawyer. I actually filed in January reluctantly. After she received the papers she started to communicate and asked me to withdraw them and I eventually did. After a month or so it went back to not hearing from her. If she moved out and has mentioned moving on but never getting lawyer and never following through. Then when I filed she wanted me to cancel the papers. I don't understand why she is doing all of this and doesn't want a divorce as I mentioned above. I having a very difficult time again. I still think if she would actually, we could have a shot at reconciliation. I don't want a divorce because I want to try and would never understand why she didn't try.


I think if she wanted a divorce she would filed by now. Just very confused and having difficult time again.

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It's been 2 years. It doesn't matter why she doesn't want a divorce. Re-file the papers. If she calls to ask you to cancel, tell her she has to move back home and work on the marriage or the divorce case proceeds.

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I think if she wanted a divorce she would filed by now. Just very confused and having difficult time again.


She may not want a divorce, but she clearly does not want a marriage.


I feel badly about your situation, but I don't see any other path forward for you. Good luck!

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I an probably relate to your situation ,,, my soon to be ex wife left me a month ago . she told me she is been planning to leave me for a while .. I said go head leave " do what makes you happy " I mean a much younger wife kind of attractive lousy in bed thought.. I m filing for divorce next week , she says its fine although I could cense in her voice hesitance , guess she thought I wouldn't want file for divorce .. my 2 cents stand your ground , be firm be clear follow through . I know its NOT easy believe me I'm 53 she is 34 .. no women wants a weak man.. they can smell it on you .. take care of your self .. read books , meditate , eat healthy , WORK OUT I MEAN... WORK OUT like your getting ready for the army to release lots of that frustration .. that's what I do. LET HER GO for now file the dam papers already .. if she loves you she will comeback yo you.. you may not want her them.. hope this helps any!!

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At some point you may get tired of being played then maybe you'll make a life for yourself.


Do you always do what she tells you to?


Read "No More Mr Nice Guy" free PDF download


Might want to see an IC and get rid of your codependency.

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Just very confused and having difficult time again.


I tend to believe what people do and rely less on what they say.


Her actions haven't been confusing at all, she left two years ago and has refused to come back or work on repairing your marriage.


Plan accordingly...


Mr. Lucky

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