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Flirting? "Would you like to see me without a shirt?"

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Originally posted by PFPunks

he (the friend) kept mentioning that song --put it in your mouth (she didn't respond--and refused to sing the lyrics even though we asked her to, (maybe because I wanted to get pissed at her for knowing that song)and later, after he left, I tried to stick my c*ck in her mouth while we were in bed, saying "do you want to sitck THIS in your mouth?!!??!!? Well do you, I know you want to you were singing that song" she bit my hand (really hard because she was sooo pissed)


First, wtf were you thinking?? If you want her to be with somebody else, or flirt more, you've just pushed her away even more! Christ, it was a SONG, doesn't mean DO what the song says?? If you sang, OH I wanna finger up my a$$, does that mean you want one up your butt??? NO, probably not.


He, your friend, is an a**h*** for allowing YOUR GIRLFRIEND to flirt with him, right infront of you. Your girlfriend is insecure and loves attention of other men. Plain and simple. That doesn't mean she will cheat on you, just means she needs that extra attention to make her feel good about herself.


NOW, after the way you treated her by shoving your c*ck in her mouth, you deserve what comes your way from her. If she was smart she'd leave you because what you did is just plain awful! I'm glad she bit you! You're lucky she didn't hoof you in the balls!


If you want this thing between you to work out, you better make it up to her and treat her well. Maybe she's unhappy in the relationship. Can you two sit and have an open and honest talk without getting defensive and angry at eachother?

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Originally posted by whichwayisup

That doesn't mean she will cheat on you, just means she needs that extra attention to make her feel good about herself.


This thread showed this a whole long time ago -- in my book, it makes a woman simply un-datable. Why does the OP continue to play silly games with her?

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Sal Paradise

What you did with the whole song thing is wrong but....


She is an attention addicted slut with no morals or self control. I would leave her. You both need some therapy and together you're a mess.

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Originally posted by PFPunks

he (the friend) kept mentioning that song --put it in your mouth (she didn't respond--and refused to sing the lyrics even though we asked her to, (maybe because I wanted to get pissed at her for knowing that song)and later, after he left, I tried to stick my c*ck in her mouth while we were in bed, saying "do you want to sitck THIS in your mouth?!!??!!? Well do you, I know you want to you were singing that song" she bit my hand (really hard because she was sooo pissed)


If I were here, I would've bitten you somewhere a lot more personal than your hand, specifically the thing you were trying to shove in her mouth. :mad: And you'd have deserved it. I don't care what she was doing or who she was flirting with or even if she's already cheating with another guy. Trying to degrade someone sexually like that is abusive and wrong.

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