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Is this considered cheating??

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My best guy friend of 3+ years keeps asking me to give him full body (non sexual) massages meanwhile for the last 2+ months he is now living with his g/f! Is this common b/w really close male/female friends or should I be asking him why doesnt he just ask his g/f for this??? I dont mind at all giving it to him.. but I want to know why I am the one he always is asking for it from.

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Why haven't you already asked him WHY he keeps asking you?


It's too freakin' weird. This is definitely NOT something you ask a friend to do unless you have the hots for them. Tell him to get go down to the local massage clinic (no, not the "me love you long time" kind).

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Oh Damn!


See I would so kick my BF's ass if he asked one of his Girl buddies to give him a massage :eek:

Hell yeah ask him why he doesn't ask his GF to do this for him.. sheesh!

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I would definitely enjoy a full body massage from an attractive woman in a way that would not be kosher if I was in a serious relationship.

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Full body, naked? I'd be a bit concerned then, but if it's non sexual then I personally wouldn't be worried. Maybe his girlfriend doesn't like giving them. Best to ask him though.


Are you a qualified massuese? If not, tell him to go pay for it :D

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Originally posted by ~Zaira~

Maybe his girlfriend doesn't like giving them. Best to ask him though.


What if his GF also doesn't like giving Blowjobs what then? :confused::eek::laugh:



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Originally posted by Merin

What if his GF also doesn't like giving Blowjobs what then? :confused::eek::laugh:




:laugh: No comment :laugh:

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Originally posted by Merin

What if his GF also doesn't like giving Blowjobs what then? :confused::eek::laugh:




good question lol


Seems to me you can't possibly have a good full body massage unless you're damn near buck nekkid.....and I personally can't imagine getting one from a close guy friend and not being turned on by the very act of it, a full body massage is so good and hands slip and touch things they shouldn't lol. Well okay, maybe if my close guy friend had a unibrow and only one pearly white front tooth ;)

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Another thing he does which doesnt fall under cheating but if you spend the whole day at home with your g/f why would u come over to your friends place later that night and ask her to cook u food?? Well he should be doing it himself 1st off but why again would he be asking me for this and not his g/f???

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Originally posted by confused21

Another thing he does which doesnt fall under cheating but if you spend the whole day at home with your g/f why would u come over to your friends place later that night and ask her to cook u food?? Well he should be doing it himself 1st off but why again would he be asking me for this and not his g/f???


You really gotta be asking HIM these questions - we can't read his mind, we don't know what his motivations are.


So are you a massage therapist or something?


Why haven't you asked him why he keeps asking you for a massage?

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Originally posted by confused21

Another thing he does which doesnt fall under cheating but if you spend the whole day at home with your g/f why would u come over to your friends place later that night and ask her to cook u food?? Well he should be doing it himself 1st off but why again would he be asking me for this and not his g/f???


Are you sure his GF isn't one of those "I got her in the mail and she came with a pump?" :lmao:

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Well we were FWB until his g/f moved in with him... he keeps saying we are just friends but he continues to treat me as more then a friend and I'm not saying in a sexual sense. I just want an explanation but I feel if I quesiton him he will get all weirded out.

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Originally posted by confused21

Well we were FWB until his g/f moved in with him... he keeps saying we are just friends but he continues to treat me as more then a friend and I'm not saying in a sexual sense. I just want an explanation but I feel if I quesiton him he will get all weirded out.


Well honestly I think the answer is pretty clear..

He would still like to get it on with you on the low.

Sounds like an assclown to me.

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Originally posted by confused21

Well we were FWB until his g/f moved in with him... he keeps saying we are just friends but he continues to treat me as more then a friend and I'm not saying in a sexual sense. I just want an explanation but I feel if I quesiton him he will get all weirded out.


Okay well gee, this would have been pertinent info to include in your first post.


So you were screwing around with him while he was in his current relationship? That's special.


If he's supposedly your best friend of 3+ yrs, I would think you should be close enough to communicate with him and ask him these simple questions. How would we know the answers to them? We can only speculate. Maybe he's full of sh*t and wants to continue getting it on with you, maybe he's a freak, maybe she's a lousy cook.


Do you think it was right to be sleeping with a guy who's got a girlfriend he's obviously serious enough about that he recently moved in with her? Would you want a b/f to do that to you?


Sorry, if you can't open your mouth and ask the questions ,there's nothing here we can do to help you.

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I don't get it..........why would you ask if his request for a full body massage (that he claims wouldn't be sexual) is cheating if you've clearly been shagging him on the side while he's in a relationship? You didn't seem to be worried too much about cheating then.

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Originally posted by Merin

What if his GF also doesn't like giving Blowjobs what then? :confused::eek::laugh:




Funny you say that. He has made numerous references to me about needing a good BJ.. so I really dont know what the hell their relationship is about since there has to be some reason he keeps coming to me.

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Originally posted by confused21

Funny you say that. He has made numerous references to me about needing a good BJ.. so I really dont know what the hell their relationship is about since there has to be some reason he keeps coming to me.


Short answer.. because he can.

Ditch this Guy.

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Originally posted by shygurl

I don't get it..........why would you ask if his request for a full body massage (that he claims wouldn't be sexual) is cheating if you've clearly been shagging him on the side while he's in a relationship? You didn't seem to be worried too much about cheating then.


I wrote we were FWB UNTIL she moved in.. They werent together when we were FWB.

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This question makes me laugh. :D

Are you worried about yourself, your BF or his GF? It's not cheating, but could lead to cheating. It could certainly make someone upset.

My theory is that if you don't enjoy something, it's not cheating. I don't mean by that if you have sex on aside and didn't enjoy it it wouldn't be cheating, but exactly situations like this one.

However, I don't believe that this guys motives are chaste and he is probably making a step towards sleeping with you. I didn't see you mentioning that you're a massage therapist or an expert in that field whatsoever. So why you and not his GF?

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Originally posted by confused21

Funny you say that. He has made numerous references to me about needing a good BJ.. so I really dont know what the hell their relationship is about since there has to be some reason he keeps coming to me.


When you add 1 + 1 + 1 you get 3. Can't you do the math here? I don't mean to sound condescending but surely you can't be this dense? It's also frustrating when someone posts a question but initially leaves out all kinds of pertinent details and responders have to keep begging for more info.


Let's do the math here....the guy is a pig, he was f*cking around with you while in a relationship. He lives next door with his girlfriend whom he lives with. He's asking you for full body massages, he blows her off in the evening and wants you to play Betty Crocker and make him dinner, he's hinting that you give him a BJ because his girlfriend doesn't. What part of this don't you get?

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Originally posted by confused21

I wrote we were FWB UNTIL she moved in.. They werent together when we were FWB.


You were FWB UNTIL she moved in?

So AFTER she moved in it stopped?


He had to be seeing her while the 2 of you were FWB unless he just met her and asked her to move in right?

Wasn't she his LD GF when the 2 of you were FWB? :confused:

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Originally posted by confused21

I wrote we were FWB UNTIL she moved in.. They werent together when we were FWB.


Nothing like clarity *sigh*


Yes, you did write that you and he were f*ck buddies prior to her moving in with him. I would assume he didn't just meet her one day, begin going out with her the next and then the NEXT day move in with her.....I would imagine they dated for some time before making the decision to move in together.........so because you said you and him were 'friends with benefits' prior to her moving in well............I think I'll try another post, that or else have a nice cold beer.

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