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who has the best bf and why...

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well, ill nominate mine lol.


he does everything for me and he SHOWS how much he loves me, he just doesnt say it. im sooo happy with him and things are still going great! todays our little 5 month anniversary shindig and he's making me a beautiful dinner tonite... last month on the 13th, he bought some roses and spread the petals out over the bed... AWW!!! i love him though, he's my best b/f i ever had..... finally!!

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Alright, what the hell kind of question is this?


Most (99%) are going to say theirs.


Get off this board, kid, and go to some teenage forum.

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Originally posted by TylerC

Alright, what the hell kind of question is this?


Most (99%) are going to say theirs.


Get off this board, kid, and go to some teenage forum.


WHOOOOOOOOHHHHH I don't think its that serious. Calm down and breath.

I would love to tell you how wonderful my boyfriend is. I mean besides the fact that everything I do is sexy and cute (including getting into the movie Goodfellas...yeah)

He remembers all the small things. I told him when I was younger that my Dad and I had tickets for a Broadway play. But since my dad was such a deadbeat, he didn't take me (ODed on drugs). So my BF got me tickets to a play to make up for it. When we were watching a movie, I fell asleep on his lap and he picked me up, carried me to my bed and tucked me in. He cooked me dinner the other night.....my favorite, stuffed mushrooms and Chicken Parm. :)

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I'll play even thought it's probably my husband posting, fishing for more answers from me. :bunny: Hi love. :laugh:


My H is great. He's the best. He constantly takes care of me, nurtures me, loves me and compliments me. And he's great in the sack. He's a loving father and a smokin' Husband. He's patient, kind and never would talk down to me in a million years. He respects me and values my opinions. He breathes for me, I breathe for him. It's love at it's finest. He is mine, forever.


Happy Keith?

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Originally posted by tiki

I'll play even thought it's probably my husband posting, fishing for more answers from me. :bunny: Hi love. :laugh:


My H is great. He's the best. He constantly takes care of me, nurtures me, loves me and compliments me. And he's great in the sack. He's a loving father and a smokin' Husband. He's patient, kind and never would talk down to me in a million years. He respects me and values my opinions. He breathes for me, I breathe for him. It's love at it's finest. He is mine, forever.


Happy Keith?

Your husband is on this forum too? :confused:

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No, but I caught him here a while back, fishing for answers from me. He's such a cheeseball. I just joke about it. For those that remember the episode, it was rather funny. He won't come back here, he promises. :laugh: Oops, don't wanna de-rail the thread. He's still a great husband! :D

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Ok I'll answer this one...lol


My BF is the best...we have had a LD relationship for going on 5 months approx. and met for the first time in person 3 months ago and this man has swept me off my feet. He is now moving 2200 miles from his home of 15+ years to be with me. He'll be here in 3 weeks and I can't tell you how overjoyed I am with this man. He may not be overly romantic (he says this not me) but the things he does do and the things he remembers are incredible. He makes me feel like the greatest thing in the world to him. He treats my daughter as if she were his and he has just come in to my life like a whirlwind. He and I have based this all on friendship first and now the foundation is strong for a solid relationship that will stand the tests of time..


So I win...LOL just kiddin but I think I got one of the last good ones and I'm not letting him go... :love:

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Originally posted by TylerC

Alright, what the hell kind of question is this?


Most (99%) are going to say theirs.


Get off this board, kid, and go to some teenage forum.


Your profile states you're a high school sophomore. Unless you've failed several years that makes you a teenager as well, doesn't it?


I agree the topic is a little silly, but I certainly prefer it to some of the discussions that have been posted and I don't find any harm in discussing the topic. Some people enjoy sharing the positive attributes of their loved ones. Certainly better than damning them to Hell.

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i think that my bf is the best. We've been going out for about 4 months and he is really sweet and caring and trustworthy. even tho we're only 14...he really thinks of my first. and he is just wonderful. one time...he snuck a call on a school night just to say good night. that was really sweet even tho he got grounded for it for a week.

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he snuck a call on a school night just to say good night. that was really sweet even tho he got grounded for it for a week.





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For those of you who have read my post you may think of this as a huge shock, but my boyfriend is definitely the BEST out there. He has stayed by my side through thick and thin. We have been together for almost three years and have uncountable fond memories together. I cant even think of the best one but here's a few:


- He surprised me with a trip to San Francisco because I had never been, he bought me everything I showed interest in just so we would remember everywhere we went while we were there.


- He cooked dinner for me on our first Valentine's day and had candles, roses, champagne and a fire ready for me when I got there.


- He went to my parents' house while I was a Basic Training just because he missed me so much that being around my family was comforting.


- We went shopping one day and I found a sweater I really liked but we got into an arguement in the store and I just put it back and walked out to clear my head. He came to me later and had bought the sweater for me. Same size and everything!


- He always wants to do what I want to do, and no matter what we always have fun!


That's why mine is the best and everyone should have one!

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Originally posted by Athena21

For those of you who have read my post you may think of this as a huge shock, but my boyfriend is definitely the BEST out there. He has stayed by my side through thick and thin. We have been together for almost three years and have uncountable fond memories together. I cant even think of the best one but here's a few:


- He surprised me with a trip to San Francisco because I had never been, he bought me everything I showed interest in just so we would remember everywhere we went while we were there.


- He cooked dinner for me on our first Valentine's day and had candles, roses, champagne and a fire ready for me when I got there.


- He went to my parents' house while I was a Basic Training just because he missed me so much that being around my family was comforting.


- We went shopping one day and I found a sweater I really liked but we got into an arguement in the store and I just put it back and walked out to clear my head. He came to me later and had bought the sweater for me. Same size and everything!


- He always wants to do what I want to do, and no matter what we always have fun!


That's why mine is the best and everyone should have one!


Okay, you win. Wanna share?

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My bf is the best because he is there for me unconditionally. As most of you know I suffer from Agoraphobia, which means that I am scared of going places by myself and I have a panic disorder. If it were not for my bf I would not have the great job that I do or go to the University that I do because I would have no way of getting there. I would have no life because I would be scared of everything. My bf goes out of his way to make me feel normal, whether it's arranging his work schedule so that it revolves around mine so he can take me to work and school or just treating me like nothing is wrong. Sometimes that means only sleeping 4 hours a day for him. He has taken less paying jobs so that I can keep going to school and so he can keep taking me to school. He is now paying for my therapy sessions so that I can get better.


With all the things I put him through with my illness he is still sweet and patient with me. He defends me at all costs from ANYONE. He brings me roses for no reason. He puts me first before even himself. He calls just to say I love you and he has been my best-friend since we were 12. He takes care of me when I am sick and makes sure I get better. He lets me have my way even though sometimes I can be a brat. He spoils me. He understands me. He knows when I've cried even if it was hours before. When I cry he cries when I laugh he laughs. He is my little clown and that's exactly how he got in my heart when we were only 12 :love: He is my baby and I love him!!!!!

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Originally posted by TylerC

Get off this board, kid, and go to some teenage forum.


Uh, aren't you the KID who was trying to convince your not-ready girlfriend to have sex?


You're a kid yourself, hun. Not too smart of a comment.

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ya it was sweet. see...my best friend went out w/ him be4 i went out w/ him and when i was talking to him on the phone...when we were first going out...he said "Everythings different w/ u. That's awesome" b/c when my friend went out w/ him...she never went to his house, he never came to her house, and idk if they ever held hands. And they even went out for a year and none of that happened. well idk about the holding hands thing. but i went over to his house 2 times and he came to my house like 3 times already and plus the drive in. then today i was talking to him and his mom was hollaring in the back round "Get Down Here!!!' so he said "umm...hold on a sec i am going to put the phone down...ill brb. hold on" then he came back and alittle while after we were talking...like 5 minutes...he said when there was like a one sec. pause "my mom told me that i had to get off the phone when i went down there so i better get off." so he talked for like 5 extra minutes even tho his mom said that he had to get off the phone. and his mom is really REALLY strict. and most of the time we cant do anythin so he hasnt surprised me w/ flowers or anything but he has gotten me something for Easter. even tho we r only 14...i think that our relationship will last and it'll be cool if we got married. my best friend is surprised at me b/c she would name like a really popular guy and he is also hot and asks me if i would dump my bf for that guy and i would say no and she would be really surprised. b/c she cares about popularity and looks. well my bf is i think popular and i think that he is hot. but that doesnt really matter to me. he is just really sweet and caring and thoughtful and smart and funny.

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My vote for best boyfriend goes to....everyone's b/f who was worth praising.

No really my honey is awesome. He is 6 years my senior and maybe an older man was what I needed. I am 24 and have a 4 year old son whom he adores. Also he has 2 boys 7 &10 from a past marriage that he has full custody of. I can't say he is romantic or that he does the flower thing, but he is my best friend. In the year we have been together we have been to hell and back and there again, but he is ALWAYS on my side! We have had problems with his family his ex and just trying to blend our families, but in spite of all the drama, I have never been more complete. He and I share a love no one can come between and that's a great thing. I hope that all of your boyfriends/husband make you feel as great as mine makes me feel.

As for those of you who didn't put in a vote for your man, don't settle until you find the one who truly has your heart!! It's a bless I would wish for anyone. No ones perfect, especially not mine baby, but if you can argue and not fear hurting there feelings it's a good thing. If anyone has ever seen The Notebook, that's how we are, he's not afraid to hurt my feelings because I have a 2 second rebound then I'm off doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing. Love is....well, it's at least good for a smile!!!!!


P.S. Skeered, I love the happy bunny. Book A Million has a book about love by the Happy Bunny. Go look, it's cute

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Originally posted by Athena21

For those of you who have read my post you may think of this as a huge shock, but my boyfriend is definitely the BEST out there. He has stayed by my side through thick and thin. We have been together for almost three years and have uncountable fond memories together. I cant even think of the best one but here's a few:


- He surprised me with a trip to San Francisco because I had never been, he bought me everything I showed interest in just so we would remember everywhere we went while we were there.


- He cooked dinner for me on our first Valentine's day and had candles, roses, champagne and a fire ready for me when I got there.


- He went to my parents' house while I was a Basic Training just because he missed me so much that being around my family was comforting.


- We went shopping one day and I found a sweater I really liked but we got into an arguement in the store and I just put it back and walked out to clear my head. He came to me later and had bought the sweater for me. Same size and everything!


- He always wants to do what I want to do, and no matter what we always have fun!


That's why mine is the best and everyone should have one!



aww. you do seem to have the best bf so far. i just think mine is average. not the best or the worse but right in the middle.


you're making me jealous because i can't even brag about mine. he never does anything romantic except take me to disneyworld for our 2nd year anniversary in which i planned half when it was suppose to be a surprise.

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Originally posted by tiki

Okay, you win. Wanna share?


Thank You! But sorry, I'm stingy when it comes to sharing him with anyone.

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Originally posted by jacquelyn

aww. you do seem to have the best bf so far. i just think mine is average. not the best or the worse but right in the middle.


you're making me jealous because i can't even brag about mine. he never does anything romantic except take me to disneyworld for our 2nd year anniversary in which i planned half when it was suppose to be a surprise.


I'm sure your boyfriend isn't average or you wouldn't be with him, right? He just shows you that he cares for you in different ways than others do. No matter how you got to Disneyworld, you guys probably had a really great time together, huh? But thank you for the compliment on mine, he is the best guy for me.

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Originally posted by mini_me123

i think that my bf is the best. We've been going out for about 4 months and he is really sweet and caring and trustworthy. even tho we're only 14...he really thinks of my first. and he is just wonderful. one time...he snuck a call on a school night just to say good night. that was really sweet even tho he got grounded for it for a week.


Stay away from that rebel! Seriously, that kid is bad news.

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u know what? idk if ur trying to help but he is so not a rebel. he is sweet, caring, loving, smart, funny, and thoughtful. Calling me just to say goodnight is sweet and thoughtful and caring. And getting grounded for me is also sweet. u dont know anything if u think that he is a rebel and no i am not going to stay away from him b/c i love him and he loves me. and that's that.

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