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How do i Get her back...

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I was with a girl for 8 months and i totally ****ed it up... its been 3 months and i realise she was right, i cant stop thinking about her, no matter what i do, no matter who i date, she still comes into my mind about everything. Its driving me crazy and making me miserable, and i have no idea how to get her back, or even if its possible..

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Hey calm down! I went through the same thing with my boyfriend. We were together for about 6 months when he cheated on me...not like had sex with anyone but he dated me andanother girl at the same time. Apparently after some of my cold shouldering he realised he really needed me in his life, so finally i started talking to im again to see what he was all about, after 3 months of him trying to win me back I finally agreed, and we couldn't be more happy. Its almost 2 years now comming up, and we are both completely true to eachother. The saying is true, you dont really know what you have until you lose it.


But about you, now, the way to atleast get her to talk to you again is to prove that you are willing to do ANYTHING to get her back. Earn atleast her friendship, or be on talking terms with her. Also, if her birthday or any other special occasion or something is comming up make sure you buy her something. When me and my b/f were "friends" again, he bought me a giant stuffed animal for my birthday, which was a major plus. It will be hard at first, but you need to keep working on earning her trust again. Another thing you can do is to ask her out, again and again...but not right away. She will reject you quite a few times so be prepared for that, but make sure you let her know its hurting you not to be with her. Let her know that you know how badly you hurt her and that you really screwed up, and that you need her in your life. Everyone makes mistakes. Sure most ppl say "once a guy screws up he's bound to do it again." But my b/f is proof that that isn't always true. Basically you just need to prove to her you are truly sorry, and truly miserable without her.


I can't gaurantee she will take you back, and if she does it will be espically hard at first. Make sure you try and be with her as much as possible...that is VERY important in earning a girls trust back...

Well, hope this helps some, GOOD LUCK :)

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