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I like her and she likes more than 1 help!!!!

confused CHris!!!1

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confused CHris!!!1

there is this girl ok and she is very pretty and i really like her but she has been hooked on this guy and she is like obsessed with him but he deosnt like her at all. the girls name is Holly. We tlak alot and she always says i luv u on the # and stuff like that and we like flirt alkot aqnd she says o chris ur so cute and stuff. I dunno what to do and i am very desperate on how we can get together with this girl . I mean we have so much in common . I am scared all u girls and guys please help me wiyth a respnse please!!!!!!!!!

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I'm not the brightest guy around here but you might try asking her out. The other guy doesn't like her so he's not likely to ask her out.


Incidentally, the key here is the fact that the other guy doesn't like her. She obviously likes what she can't have. So you need to be somewhat of a challenge here if you're going to keep her interest. If you start getting super mushy and lovey dovey with her, I think it will turn her off.


When you go out with her, take it very slow and don't kiss her butt. I have an idea she's pretty young and has a high potential for breaking your heart. One day she will like nice guys but, until then, she will be attracted to men she can't have.


Wished I could do something for you here, partner!!!

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