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Could she be cheating on Tinder?

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Hi everyone,


My first post here. Any helps and insights will be really appreciated.


I have been seeing someone for 9 months. Things are going great, we have been going on holidays together, overseas and locally. Met her family, we traveled together with her mum. I spent a lot of time with her friends also, she introduces me to people as her boyfriend and we see each other 3-4 times a week, nothing feels wrong. And we are planning a Christmas holiday away.


Today a guy friend of mine asked me for lunch, and he told me that my girlfriend is still showing up on Tinder. My friend lives close to her, he saw her profile yesterday and took a couple of screen grabs.


I am not sure what to do...?


We have had the talk a few months ago, we are exclusive. I am not seeing anyone else, not planning to. It doesn't feel like she is seeing other people, or there is anything wrong in the relationship. She deleted the app in front of me when we had the talk months ago.


I guess my question is -


Will your Tinder profile still show up if you just delete the app itself on the phone?




You will have to be actually "active" for your profile to show up again?


I have never used Tinder before, I am not sure how it works. It could be something that she doesn't know. If deleting the app does not log you out, and your account may still be showing in the swiping pool.


If she was active recently, then it changes things, it is a really different discussion.


I d like to make sure before I ask her in person.


Thank you.

Edited by T216
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Tinder regulary stop showing your profile even if you still have the app on your phone, but haven't used it for few days (maybe a week).


Nobody know how exactly their algorithms work, but it doesn't mean it's a 100% thing. For example, if you live in a small place, Tinder might be flexible with that, because they don't have enough people in that area. You talk about few month, so it's unlikely she haven't used the app recently, but again, it's not 100%.

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I think she needs to log in and fully delete her profile instead of just deleting the app. She might have to reinstall the app to go delete her profile and turn the discovery option off.


If you were suspicious and there was more signs, I would say you could put a fake profile of a hot guy up and message her, to see what happens...but I really think she just made the mistake of thinking that deleting the app deletes your profile, and it doesn't necessarily do that.

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I have been seeing someone for 9 months.


Today a guy friend of mine asked me for lunch, and he told me that my girlfriend is still showing up on Tinder.


She deleted the app in front of me when we had the talk months ago.


I guess my question is -


Will your Tinder profile still show up if you just delete the app itself on the phone?




You will have to be actually "active" for your profile to show up again?


She might have tinder pc version, slightly different. Maybe forgot to take it down. I only mention that, but nobody really uses the desktop version. Its really a mobile/android type app.


I think the word you are looking for is deactivate.Deleting or deactivating, tinder keeps your credentials for a few years. 2 I think. So if you want to reactivate, you dont have to reset up anything. But once you deactivate the account, its taken out of the mix for people to see.


Also, think about it. If you deactivate an account, and it stays up visible like before, what would be the point of deactivating. Dating sites don't work like that. You want to close it? Fine, they give you a list of like 5 reasons why you want to close, you choose one, and it proceeds to deactivate your account. Gone. When you deactivate, its gone (taken down for people to see). in some way shape or form, its been reactivated and that's what this person you were talking to saw. How about make a fake tinder account and brows around real quick. Better to verify instead of worry and take someones elses word. I also agree with the possibility of zenons response: she might have just deleted the app. But not the account. Meaning.. if she got on her friends phone and logged into tinder, it would still be there case all she did was essentially delete the program, but not the accound. If that makes sense

Edited by gorf
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You can do one of two things....ignore it, or talk to her about it. If you want a relationship to sustain for the long haul you must learn to communicate well with your partner.

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You can do one of two things....ignore it, or talk to her about it. If you want a relationship to sustain for the long haul you must learn to communicate well with your partner.


Not agreeing with this. If you ignore it you are nuts. If you have had the "exclusive" conversation unless you discover how Tinder works there is no reason she should be on there.


If you ask her about it BEFORE you have more information, she will only go to another app or lie if she is up to no good.


You might get your buddy to try to swipe and meet her if she does not know him and see if she responds.


You need information before doing wither forgetting about it or talking to her about it.

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Young man,


People go on Tinder to meet people to hook up with and not share recipies. That's a given


I will submit this to you to chew on about the Tinder app on someone's phone:


You would have to delete your Tinder account. But if you don't delete your account, and you delete the app, then you will still show up for maybe a day or so, then you will stop showing up. Tinder only shows active members.


So in essence, unless she deleted and removed the app in the last week, she is still active on Tinder. And that means devoting headspace and quality time communicating with men who are not you.


So now you have your answer. Best to find an exit to your relationship before you get your heart broken.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just posted nearly the same story except we've been dating 2 months and it's a different OLD site. I will initiate a conversation about it but right now I'm leaning on walking regardless of the answer.

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She might have tinder pc version, slightly different. Maybe forgot to take it down. I only mention that, but nobody really uses the desktop version. Its really a mobile/android type app.


I think the word you are looking for is deactivate.Deleting or deactivating, tinder keeps your credentials for a few years. 2 I think. So if you want to reactivate, you dont have to reset up anything. But once you deactivate the account, its taken out of the mix for people to see.


Also, think about it. If you deactivate an account, and it stays up visible like before, what would be the point of deactivating. Dating sites don't work like that. You want to close it? Fine, they give you a list of like 5 reasons why you want to close, you choose one, and it proceeds to deactivate your account. Gone. When you deactivate, its gone (taken down for people to see). in some way shape or form, its been reactivated and that's what this person you were talking to saw. How about make a fake tinder account and brows around real quick. Better to verify instead of worry and take someones elses word. I also agree with the possibility of zenons response: she might have just deleted the app. But not the account. Meaning.. if she got on her friends phone and logged into tinder, it would still be there case all she did was essentially delete the program, but not the accound. If that makes sense

Tinder pc version? this is the first time i've heard about it, there's such a thing?

I visit Tinder site and only see link to store. I really need this 'cos i'm not always on my phone, i want to check my Tinder profile on PC. i have to generate tinder apk file from Google Play and use android emulator to install this app on pc. It's kinda inconvenient, my pc is sluggis. awwwwww

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Tinder shows active users. If it has enough active users in your vicinity, it does not need to go back 9 months to find your GFs profile.

Time to move on, but hit it hard and often for a month before doing so ;)

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