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Had Crush on friend for 12-13 yrs , Finally have a chance! have a date tonight,HELP!

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I've had a crush on this girl since I first layed eyes on her, back in first grade. Beckie always seemed out of my league, shes absolutely gorgeous, A honor role and graduated with honors of course. Involved in everything and the most caring, sweet girl I've ever met. I invited her to go along with me to an ATV freestyle show last week, she had a blast so she says. I'm taking her to a movie tonight so there will be some time to talk on the ride there and back. Heres the problem: She's leaving for college around Aug. 10th. And I need to let her know How deeply I have feelings for her before she leaves, but I don't want to come on too strong and freak her out. What should I do, What do I say to bring it up tonight? Beckie is the opitomy of everything I look for in a girl and then some, In my eyes shes perfect. Nothing in this world would mean more to me then to be close to her.


so please... Help Me out!!!



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Don't spill your guts out... just play it cool.


Just be yourself and talk and laugh, but don't spill your guts out. Just go with the flow and show her what a fun guy you are. That'll impress her more than the puppy dog routine, and you'll still have your self-respect at date's end.


If she likes you, she'll show you.


If nothing happens, oh well. That's life. Guess you'll have to date other girls.

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Well the moment has obviously already past, how did it go? Thought I would add that I agree about not spilling your guts, just try to continue having these little dates when you can (you said she's going away), maybe after awhile flirt just a bit? (nothing much, just to show a little interest), see if she eventually starts to feel the same way.

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Dont spill your guts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats the worst thing.


I'd recommend you dont say anything. Shes going away in like 2 weeks and will

probably hook up with someone at college. So to save yourself alot of heartbreak,

suck it up for anouther year or two. Shes probably gonna play the field a bit anyhow

right now.


I think you should just have fun with her in the mean time, nice casual fun. ........then

again you could get her drunk and bang her :p

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