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She made me feel guilty for her making out with "hot guy"

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Michelle, few reasons, the hot tub was in the beginning of the relationship, I knew the guy(didn't feel threatened by him), as for the kiss, both our mindsets is that it's more intimate than sex, the dude was much younger (yeah, I could admit that) and just the uncontrollable urge and duration of the "makeout". As of an hour ago I didn't answer her phone call.

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Michelle, few reasons, the hot tub was in the beginning of the relationship, I knew the guy(didn't feel threatened by him), as for the kiss, both our mindsets is that it's more intimate than sex, the dude was much younger (yeah, I could admit that) and just the uncontrollable urge and duration of the "makeout". As of an hour ago I didn't answer her phone call.


I am going to call this ^^ bull$hit...first you tell us how you have been aloof in your relationship because she sat naked on some other guy's lap and then you tell us that you actually don't care about it... which version do we need to keep?

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The mere fact that you had to feel the need to write in to a forum about your girlfriend's behavior is proof enough that she is not relationship material.


Being aloof does not mean being a doormat.


How does being aloof justify her actions at either the hot tub or the concert?


It doesn't.


We teach people how to treat us. And frankly with your story you allow people to treat you like shyte because you allow them to.


A man's sanity is never worth a vagina, even if it was lined with mink and diamonds.


I would suggest you google and read "No More Mr. Nice Guy pdf." You can read it for free on the internet. It may do wonders for you.


As for this trash that you have been dating, put her in the can and wait for the truck to pick her up at the curb on Garbage Day.

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Girlfriend didn't think I'd get upset about it because I've been a bit aloof in the relationship
Well, based on that and you walking out now, you can pretty much bet that she's going to go ask some Mr. Hotstuff if she can bang him this time.


She's quite the drama girl, isn't she? Too bad you're so invested in her, life would sure be interesting with her in it.

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I want to see a positive - so I'd like to say that your girlfriend is quite fun, has few inhibitions and trusts that you are ok with that.


Unfortunately, what you've said suggests more that she's someone with little self-control, doesn't understand boundaries and is emotionally messed-up.


Cut her loose.

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UPDATE...for those interested

Got a text from her 2 nights ago, we exchanged texts for an hour or so, until she eventually called. From her perspective, I'm incapable of love, stone cold and lack empathy. She's glad she kissed the hot guy and that she told me about it because now she can see how insecure I am. With her persistance on trying to get me back, I asked her to give me a few days to think about things. Yesterday morning I got a call from her saying that there were things I said that were deal breakers (I called her a *****) and I agreed there were things that were deal breakers for me as well. After the call she sent a text saying she doesn't blame me for who I am (whatever that means) and what she's about to do, she just can't go through that pain again. After reading that, my concern was that she might be suicidal, I was on my way to a 180 mile appointment but turned around 10 miles into the trip to go check on her as she wouldn't respond to my call backs or texts. After a few door knocks she finally answered just went to curl up in her bed and I told her we could talk that evening. She said she wouldn't be there and I said that was her choice. As of today I haven't heard from her and I'm assuming she may be out of town. I'm fine with it as I'm checked out emotionally.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Girlfriend tells me she sees this "young hot guy(a 10)" at a concert and asks if she could kiss him. After the first kiss, the guy says he could do better than that and they proceed to a 15-20 second kiss.



I stopped READING right here.... the gap in the story..


She asked.....and then right to the money shot. WTH?

Then you allowed it to happen again.

You sat their like mannequin?

After that.... 20 seconds..


She should have instantly dumped you the minute you allowed this to happen.

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Why would anyone not walk away from this?


She's not relationship material


Go dark completely dark


Marc Marc marc! Half this stuff I can hardly believe.

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UPDATE...for those interested

Got a text from her 2 nights ago, we exchanged texts for an hour or so, until she eventually called. From her perspective, I'm incapable of love, stone cold and lack empathy. She's glad she kissed the hot guy and that she told me about it because now she can see how insecure I am. With her persistance on trying to get me back, I asked her to give me a few days to think about things. Yesterday morning I got a call from her saying that there were things I said that were deal breakers (I called her a *****) and I agreed there were things that were deal breakers for me as well. After the call she sent a text saying she doesn't blame me for who I am (whatever that means) and what she's about to do, she just can't go through that pain again. After reading that, my concern was that she might be suicidal, I was on my way to a 180 mile appointment but turned around 10 miles into the trip to go check on her as she wouldn't respond to my call backs or texts. After a few door knocks she finally answered just went to curl up in her bed and I told her we could talk that evening. She said she wouldn't be there and I said that was her choice. As of today I haven't heard from her and I'm assuming she may be out of town. I'm fine with it as I'm checked out emotionally.


So she basically tells you what a putz you are for even questioning her actions ad you turn around and drive back and worry about this chick?


Where i come from, this woman has a name....and she is named: "Girl who eventually pushes the wrong guy's button and ends up getting the crap beat out of her by a really insanely jealous boyfriend."


Turn away and go back on your trip and forget about this one. She is a walking time bomb that will get some guy into a lot of trouble, hopefully you now see that that guy who flips out does not need to be you.


Seriously man, walk away. She is as toxic as toxic gets. Some guys will put up with that because of a woman's looks, some guys won't. And then there are guys that go nuts and knock chicks like that around.


Don't let it end up being you.

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So you were both at a concert together, she spots some hot guy, ASKS you if she can kiss this stranger, she must have gotten a positive response from you otherwise why would she have kissed him, right?


Am I reading this right?


And if so, bad girlfriend behavior aside, WHY would you give her permission in the first place??




the way I read it is that the gf asked the hot guy if she could kiss him. she told the OP about it after the fact.

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I stopped READING right here.... the gap in the story..


She asked.....and then right to the money shot. WTH?

Then you allowed it to happen again.

You sat their like mannequin?

After that.... 20 seconds..


She should have instantly dumped you the minute you allowed this to happen.


NO I don't think the OP was there. She asked the hot guy if she could kiss him.

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To quote another great American (barf): at this point what difference does it make, it doesn't matter now?



When she asked who she asked is she did it and this BF needs to do it to her. That is dump her.

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