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What would you do if you were in this situation?

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Girl is 18 years old.


Guy is 19 years old.


Both in same college and live about 20 minutes away from one another.


Girl and guy went out for 6 months.


broke up and went out with other people.


Broke up with other people and now are seeing one another again, but not officially yet.


Reason for not going out officially yet:

She still has feelings for some other guy she was with in the "break" that they had from one another. (the break was about 2 months long)


Now they see one another all the time an spend a lot of time with one another telling one another how much they want to be with one another and how much they mean to one another.


Its been about 2 months and she is still not ready to committ because of these "feelings" she still has for this other guy.




{1} What is going through this girls head? Why is she holding back? Is she being genuine about her feelings?


{2} What should the guy do in a situation like this? / What should the guy say to her in this situation to make her want to make it official already?


{3} Has anyone here been in a similar situation? Please explain.


{4} What makes a girl at the age of 18 get so confussed about her love life, where as guys are always confident about their feelings at that age and KNOW what they want (in general compared to women)


{5} Do you think that its possible for a guy that is 19 and a girl that is 18 to end up getting married one day? or are they too young to be "soul mates" ?


Thanx for yout time :)

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I think you're way over your head here.


Stop analyzing why she's not into you.


Just break her heart and she'll never leave you alone.




Swallow the rusty nail and get over it, hard as it seems.


You analyze too much when you should be reacting instead. You're like the player in the soccer game who gets burned by staring at his opponents numbers, even though he should be watching the ball. Your eye is way off the ball... it's rolling toward the bench of the other chicks you should be dating.

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Now they see one another all the time an spend a lot of time with one another telling one another how much they want to be with one another and how much they mean to one another.


This looks like a big problem, I can just see it being a rebound relationship (being with you I mean).. maybe break it off again and let her figure things out, see where things go then, hopefully save yourself some heartache.

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Originally posted by Vicereine

This looks like a big problem, I can just see it being a rebound relationship (being with you I mean).. maybe break it off again and let her figure things out, see where things go then, hopefully save yourself some heartache.

Nah.... What happened with her and the other guy wasn't serious, they just kissed a few times. The only reason that we are not going out right NOW is because I am giving her time to sort herself out (emotionally). So until she has sorted herself out I guess I'll wait. I couldgo be with other woman, but for some reason i dont WANT / have the NEED to be with anyone BUT her (call me crazy, but thats the truth), so ya, until i know for sure that she either genuinely wants to be with me, or not, I'll wait. Its not like during this time we don't see one another etc, so its not that bad i guess....


Comments? :confused::p

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This one is easy . She is in rebound. You are the ball. The other guy is the other game she never left.


You cant win because she is not yours.


She is still in his heart.


She had NO business getting involved with you while still having feelings for someone else.


You lose . She wins . He wins . The game .


Next time , just ask the question , " Are you currently involved or still have feelings for someone else " You may not get the truth but if they are not being truthful you will see it soon enough.


Ask more questions. Be more aware.

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