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Re: How do I get him to get over IT?

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It's not likely he will ever get over it. But you don't do yourself any favors by continuing to answer his questions. You need to tell him the past is the past, it must be forgiven and forgotten, and NO MORE QUESTIONS....ever, until after the end of the world.


You made a serious mistake by cheating and another serious mistake by telling your boyfriend. Neither served any good purpose. Telling him may have relieved your conscience but it may very well destroy your relationship. Actually, it is in the process of doing so now until you put a stop to it.


If he doesn't drop this entire matter for good, you will have to leave. Trust me, he will remember this all the days of his life and it will bother him.


Once you tell him to drop the matter, if he asks you more questions or if his behavior doesn't get back to normal, you'll have to leave if you want to be happy in a relationship.


And remember the lessons you've learned here. Actions have consequences.

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I think Tony has given you some good advice. Please read it again and again until you get it.


The only thing I can add is, although you made a mistake, you don't have to pay for it, over and over, the rest of your life. Whether or not he can forgive you, you can and should forgive yourself.


We all make mistakes of one kind or another throughout or entire life. All you can do is hopefully learn from them and make them again. Anyone that expects anything else is expecting too much!

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