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Get out of it!

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Do yourself a favor and him a favor. Time will not heal these kind of things, whatever you did can not be undone and it will be deeply rooted in you and in him, and it will be a solid foundation for the miserable relationship/marriage you will lead. GET OUT!


Hi, I don't know where to begin my problem, but I'll try to make it short. I have a boyfriend for two years now and I really love him and he loves me too. We used to have a long distance relationship but now we're living together. Now, I try my best to make him happy because I've done something realllllllllllly bad to our relationship.


When we weren't living together I had cheated on him with another man for about 8 months. I couldn't confessed my cheating to my boyfriend because I didn't want to lose him. One night I couldn't take it anymore and confessed to my boyfriend that I was cheating on him. He was broken hearted and told me that he still wants to be with me because he loves me and he wants to work things out between us. The next thing I did was to move in with him. He would always bring up the time I cheated on him ask me lists of questions if I enjoyed sex and other things with 'that man.' He brings this up everyday. He told me only time will make things better but I'm not sure if it is because the more he asks me about my past the more I want to end our relationship. I know he feels more sad than I do but I don't know what to do now because things between us are getting ugly. Sometimes I feel like leaving him because I feel he's not happy with me. It brings me to tears when he brings up the time I cheated on him even though it's my fault. I know I shouldn't get mad at him because it's my fault and I have to live with it for I don't know how long time will ease it. My question is, what can I do or say in the meantime, to get him get over what I've done wrong?

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