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Compatibility issues? Is my relationship doomed?


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Also, a month ago I was really thinking of breaking up, then I went to see a counselor to talk about my relationship issues, and she told me that I am probably overreacting and don't sweat the small things. That's one of the reasons I decided to stay and see how things would go.


What kind of therapist is that for goodness sake!


You get to decide what is a big deal to you , not your therapist! You sure this person has a license?

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Ok he has been a bit weird with money, for his family at least. Like he wanted to buy a plant for his mom's bday but went to the store, saw it was $20, and didn't buy one. Then he said he could give a plant to his mom if I had one to spare. Then he bought pants to a wedding that he wore once and didn't want to wear again, he tried returning it but the store refused, then he came back to me upset.


No wonder he is able to put 30K aside a year. Can you spell c h e a p .


Do you get any type of joy being in this relationship.

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What kind of therapist is that for goodness sake!


You get to decide what is a big deal to you , not your therapist! You sure this person has a license?


She has a social worker license. She said equality in paying is good. I said he kept wanting me to pay and she said to just split things down the middle. I also mentioned the taxi incident and she said to say a joke back to him. And about the cooked vs raw food argument she said all guys are like that and as long as he follows me in the end it is okay.

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She has a social worker license. She said equality in paying is good. I said he kept wanting me to pay and she said to just split things down the middle. I also mentioned the taxi incident and she said to say a joke back to him. And about the cooked vs raw food argument she said all guys are like that and as long as he follows me in the end it is okay.


Co-workers are not therapist or psychologist. This woman in unqualified to advise you. Go see a real therapist.

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Today I've been basically fuming over this relationship all day and when he got home today he asked me why I look down and I said the truth that I am worried about our relationship. Then he said if there's anything he can do or if he's doing anything wrong. I needed to go to the gym at 6:30 so now I'm at the gym and too distracted to work out, just posting stuff here. I said we can talk after I get back. He seems pretty sad after I voiced my concerns.


I don't know what I'm going to say after I get home from the gym. I feel like I'm almost about to say something that'll change my R forever. I don't know if I'm just gonna say I'm unhappy about my R or if I'm having thoughts of breaking up or what. I just want to say something. What should I do. I'm feeling emotional and don't want to do anything rash.

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