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Moving on When NC Isn't Possible


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Hello all. That is basically my question. I just broke up with my boyfriend of 6 months after a fairly short but very intense relationship. The reason for our breakup was that we had been having issues over what we identified as incompatibilities between us; there were so many problems in our relationship, but the love we felt for each other was real and our connection with one another, and the beautiful moments that we shared when we weren't going through problems, were just amazing. Although I am the one who broke up with him, I'm not anywhere near over him, but I don't want to get back together either. He is still very much a part of my life due to being classmates at the same university and in the same program, having many mutual friends, etc. We have greatly cut down on our communication, but it's simply not an option to go strictly NC due to our life circumstances. Whenever I have a couple days where I don't think of him as much, it's always followed by running into him at our (relatively tiny) university or going to a class that we both have together, and I feel like I'm back at square one in trying to get over him. Any ideas on how to heal and get over someone when NC simply isn't an option?

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Seems like you had a great thing going, small obstacles shouldn't deter someone from being together.


Best way to tell if you should break up or not is, break down the pro's and cons of the relationship if the pro's outweigh the con's or vice versa, you have your answer.


But I have the mindset, if you truly love someone, you find a way to make it work. Nothing is impossible if you have true love.


Otherwise, NC is what is needed, find the best way around it.

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