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Insecure about other girls, is this just me?

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I've realized that i am one oft he most insecurest person ever!!!

But do u blame me?

im a 22 year old girl living in a world where they tell u "if you dont have boobs, youre not good enough" "if you arent blonde, then youre not enough", "If youre not a stripper, well forget it" !!

what the hell,

I turn on the radio and im bombared by music like hip hop and regetton treating women like objects, and every song revolves around sex, and them "Hot girls"

then i turn on the television and im bombared by shows like O.C. and so fourth showing only the hot girls being happy!!!

so how do i get this thought off my head, that i dont have to be perfect...the whole time im scared of losing my man because some bimbo will come along and take him enough..and then i think..

if only i had boobs,

if only i looked perfect..long hair, big lips, flawless skin..and the list goes on...why does it all have to be so physical???

it seems that men cant stop watching porn, even boyfriends and husbands ignore who theya re with to see who is on their computer screen? what the hell?????

and i wonder maybe all those girls who have gone into porn felt this way one day and thats why they decided to be a part of it....UGGGGGGGGh

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Its kinda like that hear. Girls will think they're ugly if they are just a little over weight, or they have maybe a few blemishes, or, they dont wear the stuff thats in fashion, or they dont wear make up...the list will go on!


YOu might get the occasional girl that doesnt give a **** about that stuff, and they're most definately happier then the ones worrying.


I think, if you dont start to become Insecure, and just pay attention to your bf things will be ok. IF you suspect something then i suggest you just talk to him about it maybe? He cant get angry at you. Also if i were you just ignore the **** they say :S on radio or television lol


I dont know where you heard that stuff about not having boobs, or if your not being blonde, or if your not a stripper makes you not good enough :S Sounds rather lame. A lot of guys dont really give a **** about a girls hair colour. Some will have to have a gf with large tits, but **** you might aswell NOT go out with a guy who only wants a girl with large knockers its the stupidest thing i've ever heard. If you have a girl with the largest coolest personality all those other things wont matter at all!


Btw, im not a female so yeah take it from a guys perspective about the boobs/hair colour and the stripper thing. OH and and uh, some girls do get insecure about other girls with their bf's. It happened with me and my gf, i had an image of a friend i was tracing, and my gf got suspicious and worried i loved the girl! :S silly..yes, yes it is!


P.s sorry about babbling on hehehe!

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