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Why do they not care?

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I know a guy that's ok looking but fun in an immature way and a good partier.


All the girls I know love this guy, hugging him and getting him birthday gifts. What I don't understand is he is married with little girls of his own, yet constantly talks sexual innuendo to the point it gets tedious, cheats on his wife with other married women and brags about it.


He once bragged I can give her what her husband can't. One of the girls then rolled her eyes with a look of disapproval and said, "I hope that works out for you." with a tone of disdain. Then later she slept with him.


His wife eventually had enough and divorced him. One of their daughter is less than a year old.


I see this guy as a destructive pig mostly not out of an evil agenda but just due to immaturity and selfishness. What I don't understand is, these girls know this and they don't care. I think they even admire him for it.


Can anyone explain to me why I have this guy pegged so wrong?

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He's divorced isn't he?


Humans are humans, some have standards others don't. Some women like partiers, some don't.


A guy can hit on all the women in the club without shame and still there will be that one woman that will sleep with him.


Says more about the women willing to sleep with a guy they know cheat on his wife and sleeps with other married women.


You got him pegged right.


Unfortunately as with life stuff happens..

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Everyone likes attention...


I'll give you a crude example, I apologize beforehand if this sounds totally neanderthal but I am not a Diplomat so if you will indulge me...


[] Guys in a bar make off handed remarks between ourselves about a girl being fat or ugly while doing shots with the gang. All the guys go "I wouldn't screw her with YOUR dick".


Then about closing time, the guy that said that the loudest among the circle of friends goes missing.....cut to us guys walking out to the car in a extended search to find the guy having drunken sex with the girl he wouldn't touch with our penises.



But I digress.....


One thing is that a guy can be ugly as a mud fence and still have enough charisma to be able to bed a girl far above his pay grade. Some people can operate on charisma alone.


I never had that ability, so that was why I basically kept my dalliances within the realm of [certain women]. You always know what you are going to get and it is always a short stay in Stripperville.


This guy seems to be able to be. But again, with most people, any kind of attention is good attention. usually it goes hand in hand with the "Aw shucks" act guys like to put on if they think they can get in a girl's pants with it.


Some people just have no scruples at all...lol. Do yourself a favor and don't associate with them.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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OP, IMO you have some solid boundaries and all you need now is a different social group which reflects them.


People don't care due to mental disease or defect, lack of comprehensive socialization or role modeling and general runaway id and an understanding that people they impact or abuse are disinclined legally and morally from killing them. Some miscalculate and you'll see a quantum change in them right before they leave the planet. All they care about is themselves and their own life. Some not even that. Appropriate I guess. 15,000 born every hour to replace them.


Finding a different social group should do the trick. No need to burden yourself with this kind of stuff, even incidentally. Lots more of life to live.

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Is he very good-looking?


If not, it's the boldness he exudes. Lots of women fall for it. A lot of them probably also like knowing they were "good" enough to be another notch in his belt.


In my mind, there's a certain type of woman he attracts. The very confident ones with sound judgment and solid relationships aren't the ones he's picking up.

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Go to any book store..


Go to the romance section.


Open any book in that section.


Congradulations you've found female porn.


And yes there are no pictures


Because the arousal is behind their eyes.. not between their legs.

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What I don't understand is, these girls know this and they don't care. I think they even admire him for it.


Can anyone explain to me why I have this guy pegged so wrong?


You dont have him pegged wrong. They do know what he is about, but they go ahead with him anyway. Why? Same reason why some women go after the "bad boys" its cause the women are afraid of commitment, and need to feel wanted. So this kinda guy provides both: He makes them feel wanted, even if its just for sex... and..they know he wont stick around long, or will be easy to get rid of. Just like they want.

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Originally Posted by smackie9 viewpost.gif

Simple.....it's confidence...being bold, ballzy, says masculinity. That kind of energy is like crack to women.

Nailed it.

Posted by Sweetfish




I would lean towards the "Bad Boy" attitude.

Some girls just like the bad boys.

Any how, that's my guess.




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Since this is a personal milieu and posted in one of our infidelity/cheating areas, I checked and the member logged out 20 minutes after posting over a week ago and hasn't been back so I'll thank members for their responses and close this up.

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