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annoying fat coworker rant

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Why can't you just accept that they are just be fat and annoying? Could it be that you're defensive because you're fat and annoying too? I too work with a fat annoying witch. Her weight has everything to do with her being annoying, because her fat a$$ can't seem to get out of her chair unless it's to walk around doing nothing while looking for a desk to stop at. Skinny people unite!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My two cents worth...



You can be assertive with this lady, by TELLING her what she is doing that is bothering you (and others) so much.


WITHOUT being CRUEL -- which is NEVER called for. Say "Judy, I would appreciate it if you didn't....." or "if you are going to have some pizza, you can only have one slice (two, whatever) or else contribute to the snack budget..." Whatever it takes. As often as necessary. And if you have to say no, then say it. Firmly, but KINDLY.


People are not mind readers. Yes, some people might get the implied hint, but if she were that perceptive, she wouldn't be reaching for peoples food, candy, pizza, doughnuts, whatever in the first place.


I've known PLENTY of thoughtless people in my 21yrs of work, and true, a lot of them are CLUELESS about how they come across. So, if need be, I tell them. And they tell ME, and have brought me up short a few times if they felt I was out of line. Not pleasant, to be sure, but that's life. Not everyone you meet in life is going to always meet with your approval or behave the way YOU want. It's called COMPROMISE. That's what grownup people should hopefully have learned to do by the time they're a few decades past puberty.


As for her body size, that's irrelevant. It doesn't matter what she looks like. She is a HUMAN BEING, and at least deserves the basic dignity and respect that we ALL deserve. TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM TREAT YOU. Doing anything else is just petty and immature.


Which means, for the love of g**, if she falls in the parking lot and hurts herself, have the ***damn human decency to help her and make sure she's okay! Wouldn't YOU want someone to help you if it happened to YOU!??? And don't pat yourself on the back thinking that you're somehow better than she is because you work harder, look prettier, tell better jokes... EVERYONE has flaws my dear -- even you! Just do the best YOU can, try to treat everyone you meet with consideration and respect, do your own job and leave the rest behind.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why can't you just accept that they are just be fat and annoying? Could it be that you're defensive because you're fat and annoying too? I too work with a fat annoying witch. Her weight has everything to do with her being annoying, because her fat a$$ can't seem to get out of her chair unless it's to walk around doing nothing while looking for a desk to stop at. Skinny people unite!!

Yeah... :rolleyes:

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:eek: Blimey MWC's rant turned into a free for all didn't it!!


She wasn't asking your opinion, she was ranting, venting. She can say what she wants. We've all been frustrated by someone to our limit at times no doubt!!


That's why these places exist... :)


Now... I work with this fat, pizza loving woman who piss*s me off..... :p

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Hey i think u have every right to rant about this lady. if she's an annoying, selfish, lazy slob that also happends to be fat, she probably already knows she is, and she probably cant help but notice people hate her. shes probably one of those people thats gone through life annopying everyone she comes across. her parents probably let her grow up acting like she can do what she wants, take what she wants, and not take a job seriously so now the rest of society has to pay for it. I dont see what the big deal is with everyone else, why they're mad. I understand that she pisses u off, who cares if your not her boss and shes not yours, if u have to put up with her fat annoying ass in anyway, then u have every right to form your own personal opinion of her. One thing i think you are doing wrong though is, youre not telling her. If she grabs off your plate say "hey fatty wtf? u cant just grab food off of people plates, its not right." or when she grabs food from another person, or takes a piece of pizza that wasnt intended for her say "hey fatty, maybe u should ask for that pizza and then sumone will say no, we dont have enough to share, and you can get on your fat ol' way" that way everyone in the room hears u, she gets embarrassed, and maybe realizes what she was doing was wrong. Hey, maybe u guys will eventually become friends, maybe thats all she needs is sumone who can teach her to act right.

I havent read all the posts, maybe somebody else has just said everything i said, but oh well i said it.

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One thing i think you are doing wrong though is, youre not telling her. If she grabs off your plate say "hey fatty wtf? u cant just grab food off of people plates, its not right." or when she grabs food from another person, or takes a piece of pizza that wasnt intended for her say "hey fatty, maybe u should ask for that pizza and then sumone will say no, we dont have enough to share, and you can get on your fat ol' way" that way everyone in the room hears u, she gets embarrassed, and maybe realizes what she was doing was wrong. Hey, maybe u guys will eventually become friends, maybe thats all she needs is sumone who can teach her to act right.



This strategy will not lead to her becoming anybody's friend because public humiliation in now way is a good mean to win people's heart over. I actually wouldn't know who is more rude and tactless, the one who takes the pizza without asking or the one who publicly calls her pizza snatching colleague "fatty".

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I actually wouldn't know who is more rude and tactless, the one who takes the pizza without asking or the one who publicly calls her pizza snatching colleague "fatty".



My vote goes to the name-caller.


The OP needs to get over it. It's not his concern that his co-worker is overweight and likes to snatch pizza. The only time he should be concerned is when she tries to snatch his food. I'd be quite pissed in that case as well.


And laughing at someone who has injured him/herself is just plain immature. That sort of *beep* should have been left behind in the primary schoolyard.

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Seriously, firstly if you ever worked in an office you would know you are there to work and act as professionals. Fingering someonesfood and gulping down the office candy and left overs is not professional, or even mature.


AND WHEN DID BEING FAT, RUDE, AND ANNOYING SUDDENLY BECOME OK. That is the problem, we have become too accepting and as soon as someone makes a statement " He/She is FAT" ooooooohhhhh --- mabe the fact is they ARE - and there is nothing BEAUTIFUL (despite what Rikki Lake says -- and FYI her staff can't stand her and call her Fat Rickki behind her back and to the audience members and tour groups that come to the studio) FAT is unappealing and unhealthy. But much like today's society and MWC gets reemed for stating the obvious she/he is FAT and ANNOYING ! not GRAVATATIONALLY CHALLENEGED like our sympathizers on the message board would like to think.


Also, what happened to acting an acceptabel way in public (IE Work) ?? If someone acts out of line you should say so. And for all you critizers out ther YES there is an acceptable way to act, your mommy and daddy should of tought you proper manners when you were growing up. And this woman/man is not showing any and should be chastized for it and NOT MWC !!! If you don't beleive in proper manners and social skills well all I can say is keep digging ditches and fix'in cars and you won't have to worry about it.


All this pathetic sympathy for the Fatty Patty and anger towards MWC is really misguided.

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Seriously, firstly if you ever worked in an office you would know you are there to work and act as professionals. Fingering someonesfood and gulping down the office candy and left overs is not professional, or even mature.


AND WHEN DID BEING FAT, RUDE, AND ANNOYING SUDDENLY BECOME OK. That is the problem, we have become too accepting and as soon as someone makes a statement " He/She is FAT" ooooooohhhhh --- mabe the fact is they ARE - and there is nothing BEAUTIFUL (despite what Rikki Lake says -- and FYI her staff can't stand her and call her Fat Rickki behind her back and to the audience members and tour groups that come to the studio) FAT is unappealing and unhealthy. But much like today's society and MWC gets reemed for stating the obvious she/he is FAT and ANNOYING ! not GRAVATATIONALLY CHALLENEGED like our sympathizers on the message board would like to think.


Also, what happened to acting an acceptabel way in public (IE Work) ?? If someone acts out of line you should say so. And for all you critizers out ther YES there is an acceptable way to act, your mommy and daddy should of tought you proper manners when you were growing up. And this woman/man is not showing any and should be chastized for it and NOT MWC !!! If you don't beleive in proper manners and social skills well all I can say is keep digging ditches and fix'in cars and you won't have to worry about it.


All this pathetic sympathy for the Fatty Patty and anger towards MWC is really misguided.



Are you a clone of MWC by any chance? :)

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Sounds like you have a problem with her because she is fat.

If I were her and I knew how I was being treated because of weight, I would sue the pants off you for discrimination.


She is not a fat person.

She is a person who is fat.

There is a difference buddy.

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Well I guess in Canada fat bearded women wearing flannel are considered a good catch. But there are certian social norms and rules that people should follow depending on the setting and enviornment. Also, people that sympathize and fight for the rights of the calorically challenged are either a fat piece of crap themselves OR looking for acdeptance themselves because they are equally as pathetic. If you are Fat, Ugly, Rude, White Trash, etc one should be able to state the FACT that you are and not be persecuted for it.


Additionally, there are many ways of getting the undesireable fired with out incurring a lawsuit. And for those of you that are gifted with a 12ft waitline and cankels and are law suit happy ther are changes coming in the US. The courts are waking up and realizing that 99% of the time these fat bastards are fat not becasue of a "slow metabolism" or "genetic disorder" (I always laugh at that one) but it the is 12 dozen boxes of Twinkie and Ho-Ho's they shove in their mouth a day.


And Mr. Canada - which in itself is a pathetic nationality - Fat people should be told they are FAT and treated as 2nd class people well, becsue they are. Second, you sympathize with them which meas you equally as pathetic. And weighing in at 300 lbs + is not acceptable unless you are a NFL lineman.

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I think the poster is all consumed and obsessed with this overweight co-worker.

I too work for an overweight overbearing women who's hygeine habits could shock a horse and who acts like Black Dahlia.

I have chosen to ignore her.

You need to choose to feel ( nothing ) towards her. She is invisible. She does not exist.

I suggest this because you waste precious energy and fixation on someone who you obviously find fat and disgusting.


If she were Brittany Spears ( for instance ) all cute ,bubbly and blonde and bounced around the board room saying " oOOoooohhhhhhhh Pizza " and grabbed one without asking , I am not sure it would bother you as much as its Shamu the Whale grabbing for the piece of pizza.


But seriously unless she is invading your drawer, your locker , your purse, your lunchbox then anything on the table say a Large Pizza with 6 girls in the room. Well its going to be devoured....


She may suffer from the following :

I'm a pig syndrome and I need to make sure I get 3 pieces

She may have Prader Willie Syndrome where she eats like a horse

She may have been brought up in a Grab Food For All environment.

She may just have no manners


But in anycase, Ignore her.


Why is it so important to you that HR get involved. ?

Did she steal something. ?

Stealing Pizza is not a misdeamor last I heard ?


Get over this

Wear ear plugs

Lock your food

Pretend shes dead


Whatever you need to do...

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, maybe u guys will eventually become friends, maybe thats all she needs is sumone who can teach her to act right.


Are you kidding me?!?!? Teach her to 'act right' by calling her names and insulting her? What if you had a zit on your face that you didn't cover? Would you like it if I said "Hey zit face, can you cover that up?"

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As the OP on this thread I would hardly say I am obsessing on this topic since I haven't looked at it since July.


And by the way, there was a tray of a dozen cookies delivered to our office today (office of 40 people) and guess who had 3 of them?

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Well I guess in Canada fat bearded women wearing flannel are considered a good catch. But there are certian social norms and rules that people should follow depending on the setting and enviornment. Also, people that sympathize and fight for the rights of the calorically challenged are either a fat piece of crap themselves OR looking for acdeptance themselves because they are equally as pathetic. If you are Fat, Ugly, Rude, White Trash, etc one should be able to state the FACT that you are and not be persecuted for it.


Additionally, there are many ways of getting the undesireable fired with out incurring a lawsuit. And for those of you that are gifted with a 12ft waitline and cankels and are law suit happy ther are changes coming in the US. The courts are waking up and realizing that 99% of the time these fat bastards are fat not becasue of a "slow metabolism" or "genetic disorder" (I always laugh at that one) but it the is 12 dozen boxes of Twinkie and Ho-Ho's they shove in their mouth a day.


And Mr. Canada - which in itself is a pathetic nationality - Fat people should be told they are FAT and treated as 2nd class people well, becsue they are. Second, you sympathize with them which meas you equally as pathetic. And weighing in at 300 lbs + is not acceptable unless you are a NFL lineman.

Excuse me-BUTT FACE,UM its seems that americans have fat mouths to match their asses.I would rather be a Canadian than a cuzzin humping,banjo plunking,white trash inbred who is clearly jealous of the fact that EVERY country LOVES Canada and HATES america. :D


You know what i noticed about the kids in the school yard who always made fun of the fat kid.They grew up and were fat themselves.What goes around comes around.

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Sounds like you have a problem with her because she is fat.

If I were her and I knew how I was being treated because of weight, I would sue the pants off you for discrimination.


She is not a fat person.

She is a person who is fat.

There is a difference buddy.


Youre absolutly right she should sue.I bet this loser kicks little kids too.

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Sounds like you have a problem with her because she is fat.

If I were her and I knew how I was being treated because of weight, I would sue the pants off you for discrimination.


She is not a fat person.

She is a person who is fat.

There is a difference buddy.


She wouldn't have a case of discrimination because I haven't treated her any differently than any other co-workers, meaning I rarely have interration with her at all and any interraction is strictly professional.


I ranted and expressed my opinion about an observation I made during lunch which is unpaid non-office time (except for the people in the meeting). How is that discrimination? Do I ignore her requests or calls

because of her weight? Of course not.


I have my faults too (but a great azz!)

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And by the way, there was a tray of a dozen cookies delivered to our office today (office of 40 people)


Clearly no expense was spared in that magnificent festive gesture! Was the identity of your generous benefactor revealed?

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YES! This is hilarious! One of our suppliers brought in a Tin of cookies all wrapped up to look like lots of cookies.


But under the maybe 12 cookies was some scrunched up paper to "fluff it up" and then they wrapped it in cellophane! :lmao: And they included a business card from some home-based cookie making company....i don't think so!


Maybe we're not a good customer!

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YES! This is hilarious! One of our suppliers brought in a Tin of cookies all wrapped up to look like lots of cookies.


But under the maybe 12 cookies was some scrunched up paper to "fluff it up" and then they wrapped it in cellophane! :lmao: And they included a business card from some home-based cookie making company....i don't think so!


Maybe we're not a good customer!


Ebeneezer lives! No wonder food causes such a problem in your office if the suppliers are rationing out the Christmas treats in such miserly portions.


This reminds me of an office I worked in once. One of the senior managers left, and as a parting gift he left a box of "Celebrations" to be shared out amongst staff. The colleague who sat opposite me diligently sliced a miniature Snickers bar down the middle (using the office guillotine) so that we could share it.

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