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ok, i need the help

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Can someone PLEASE answer my other post, "I cant make anys ense of it" It's rather important to me....thank you


but at one time I had told her that I loved her, and I truly believe I do. So, thats when it all declined. How she took it, I'll never know. But everything got bad after that. It wasn't fun anymore, and the relationship was constatnly up and down.

from that comment it sounds like you kida scared her off. She was more in it for the fun and games and when started to get serious and tell her how much she meant to you she freaked and ran. She didn't want to get too involved and hurt you cause something serious is not what she's looking for.


She claimed it was because there was

too much going on with her life, namely with her family. She said she had too many problems, and she had to take a break. And why end a relationship because of troubles? Wouldn't that be a reason to strengthn it?

Sometimes when there's trouble in ones life they feel they need to deal with that on thier own and solve the problems in order to be fully and wholeheartly in a realtionship. Just speculation but if one of the "Family problems" is her parent accepting her lifesytle it would make it harder for her to take that step and make a statement of being with you.

Also, last night I had a dream, and I rarely remember dreams. It was me, her, and two other friends at a stadium. I also noticed my marching band was getting ready to go out and perform, so I had to rush over and join them. After a performence that went well, despite me not knowing what peice we were playing, I walked back to where I was sitting. My friends had fallen asleep, and I wanted to explain myself to my g/f. As I prepared to speak, she beat me to it. She said to me, just about everything I wanted to say to her. The rest is a blur, but I woke up trusting the dream with high spirits.

as for the dream I really don't understand a thing about it. Dreams can be interpreted in a gazillion ways. It may simply be what you wish would happen...for her to fully understand your thoughts, heart desires. I wouldn't trust your dreams for support in any of your actions. Sleeping minds have a tendancy to play games on ones heart.


and my suicidal urges are returning,


NO ONE or NO THING is worth giving your life up for. You are an amazing woman with your whole life ahead of you. Relationships....good and bad senaros are a part of life we all should experience. You learn from them...hopefully.. and grow stronger from those experiences. There's always gonna be someone else out there for you. Someone better... afterall the last one MUST have been a FOOL to leave. Don't always rely on the shoulder of a bf/gf. Trust in your true friends....the ones who don't get scared when you show your true feelings and who don't run when u need help.


Should I still talk to her? Should I try and get more involved? Should I try to even get back together with a bit of time?


I'd go with your very first instinct in the letter. Let her go. Move on. I wouldn't try calling her....she said she wants a break...space....give her that space. If you push anything on her she'll back farther and farther away. You can't force her to want to be with you. Give yourself some space too and take the time to realize what you really want or don't want. You don't need a significant other ...you're a strong independant self assured woman. if that's not a turn on I don't know what is.

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