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What choice should i make...

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The most messed up relationship ever...


Cut a very long story short i was seeing this girl for 3 months stuff got in the way as her ex boyfriend died and she was depressed and stuff...She decided she wanted a break from seeing me so i agreed....then a day l8er we got back together then we broke up again. So after this i thought she was seeing my best mate which i still don't know to this day if she ever was. Anywaz i kept asking her if we could get back together and she said NO move on and get on with youR life. So went out last Saturday met this great lass and my ex was there at the time and she wasn't obviously happy but she was the one who said move on and stuff. So this week got a phone call through the week from her mum saying you need to talk to well my ex so i did and another twist in the tale she had a mis-carriage obviously i was shocked as she did a pregnancy test about a month back and it came out negative. Went round to see her obviously she was upset but i said sorry and stuff. But then she said to me that we should get back together but i said it wouldn't work not now I'm dating this other girl.


So i went out last night with this other girl but we kissed and all that but i don't no if she wants to commit to me she says she likes me...


But now the ex is saying look you are missing out on a second chance its over you don't care about me which ain't true i do alto but she was the one who broke us up in the first place and admitted she liked my best mate.


But i really am stuck should i stick with this new girl who is great and i really enjoy been with...Or should i go back with the ex who i obviously like still and care for her alot...


;) yeah thats the story there is more 2 it...everything is messed up but what do you think my best option would be... HEELLLLLLLLLLLLLP!

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But i really am stuck should i stick with this new girl who is great and i really enjoy been with...Or should i go back with the ex who i obviously like still and care for her alot...


I think that what you say here is very important. You dont say that you love your ex, only that you still care for and like her.


This is simply(!) a case of thinking about which one of these girls you like more and enjoy being with more.


The ex sounds a little mixed up to me

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Originally posted by ladybird

I think that what you say here is very important. You dont say that you love your ex, only that you still care for and like her.


This is simply(!) a case of thinking about which one of these girls you like more and enjoy being with more.


The ex sounds a little mixed up to me


I do love the ex still...but feel the new girl who i may not get together with is just different and i can relax more with her but i don't want to lose the ex aswell i dunno :(

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the ex is just sayin that now because she is jealous. Her plan backfired.. After you gave up and started seeing this new girl all the sudden your ex wants you back.. thats BS.. Does she think she can have her way all the time or what ?? I think you should see how things with the new girl go.. I know you care about your ex but what she is doing now isn't right.. Its like she really doesnt want to be with you but she doesn't want you to be with anyone else so she is willing to get back with you just because she doesn't want you to be with anyone and she most likely doesn't really want to be with you but is too selfish to let it be.. You don't want to be with her under those conditions. Thats just my opinion.. Just take your time and think about it.. Maybe talk to more people and your parents and see what they think.. Parents offer some good advice sometimes !! Mine helped me out a lot when my ex and I broke up..


Take care,



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