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Should i deny it

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Hey so i recently really started liking this girl seriously. I am only 17 and this is the only girl which has had a big enough impact on me to ask her out. However that did not go too well. Part of the problem is that we met each other for about a week and she lives about an hour away so i guess we wont see much of each other unless we date. I told her that i loved her and all that but i did it over a text because i had no way of telling my parents to drive me to her house. She said she respected me and everything i thought about her but in the final text i sent her i said something i regreted. It wasnt anything rude but it made things akward and she hasnt responded. The irony is that i told her i would be here if she ever wanted to talk but she mentioned earlier that she prefers sorting out her problems on her own. I also said i would like to keep talking to her but after that text she hasnt responded.

My question is, should i deny that those texts were sent by me and blame it on a really well thought out backstory to try and start fresh with her?

I would mention that yes i do like her so i dont come off as though i fully dislike her and that i would never write anything to her like that. Or should i take the akward silence and hope she starts talking again( the second option is because she said there might be something in the future for us but right now she has to sort out some life problems.

Many thanks for any sugestions!!!

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Don't lie to her. Keep pursuing her if you want, but at 17 and an hour distance, you're not going to have much fun with a relationship like that. I'd suggest you find someone closer to you.


And you already said you loved her? I know you're young, but that could start a bad habbit in the future.

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No! Don't be a pu$$y. Own your emotions! You said it, hopefully, you meant it.


That said, don't expect much in return. We have a natural aversion to people who say they love us before they know us. It's nature's way of keeping us away from unstable people. You're 17, you're going to go through a lot of romantic disappointment, so don't shortchange yourself. Go local.


Get a high school GF before it's too late. When you go to college, if she doesn't break up with you, come home to break up with her. Then get a girl or two at college. Laugh, live, learn. Hurt people and get hurt. Love and be loved. Live life to the fullest.


Think of your young love life as practice. One day, you're going to meet the girl of your dreams. You want to be ready. You want to have made your mistakes with others. You want to have known the taste of a breakup. You want to have learned at least a little about how to keep a woman happy.


The game's not until Saturday. You've got a practice camp all this week. You won't be with the same team every day, but you'll be working towards the same result. Work hard so you can win the game.

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but in the final text i sent her i said something i regreted. It wasnt anything rude but it made things akward

No, don't pretend that you didn't do what you actually did do. In all of your life, always take ownership of all your own beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and inaction -

- and accept whatever rewards and face whatever consequences.


(How I'm reading your post is that it has nothing to do with you telling her that you love her; that the 'regrettable text' is about something else -- am I right?)


In that case, apologize for the regrettable text. Just say that you realized too late that it could have come across in a way that you didn't mean,

and you're sorry if you caused her to feel awkward.

If she doesn't accept your apology, then that's fine -- that's her right and her choice. But, at least you will know that you took the higher road.

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