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Internet guy, part 2: Call or give up?

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Hi Gang-


I'm the dating dork who posted a little while ago about finally meeting my email penpal. (We're both 30.) We had talked on the phone a few times before the date. The date went very well (we talked, enjoyed ourselves, he held my hand, nice kiss on the cheek).


Here's the deal since the date on Fri 4/13:


He let me know that he wanted to get together again soon, but that he was going out of town the following weekend.


He seemed really interested in me (I know people can change their mind), and, although I was reserved ( shy!!), I let him know that I was interested, too. And he kept emailing me each day.


I left him a message Tues 4/17 to say hi. He sent me an email the following morning that he got my message and that we'd talk soon.


Now, I haven't received an email from him since Thurs 4/19, right before he was to go out of town for the weekend. In that email, he said the earliest we could possibly meet again would be Tues 4/24 (he's in grad school full time and has class Mon nites) or the latest this weekend and that he was really looking forward to it.


Well, it's today, and I haven't heard a thing. (I figure we are probably not going to meet up this weekend.)


I KNOW he read my last emails, the ones in response to the ones he sent me, as I can see online through the matchmaking site (kiss.com) that they were read. But no call and no emails. Frankly, I'm really surprised.


I am thinking a lot of things could have happened: he could be really busy with grad school, he could be a flake, could have met another girl, lost interest in me, etc. But I really don't know him well enough to make any assumptions, so I just don't know.


Should I call or let this go? What would you all do?


Thanks for listening.

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Let it go, you've done enough of the work here. If he wants to contact you, he knows exactly how. Otherwise, turn your energies towards finding someone who has more time and who is more responsive to and interested in you.


Why is it that you still have to go through kiss.com to email him rather than straight to his personal email address? To me, this is strange.


Frankly, it sounds like he's probably got more going on kiss.com than just you. If you finally do hear from him, tell him if he can't communicate with you in a more timely fashion, he can kiss.com your butt.

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I don't think you need to do anything else.


He knows:


Your interested


How to get in touch with you


When he said he would be available again


You can tell if he read your messages or not


You know all this stuff too. If he is still interested, you will hear from him.

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