lostNconfusedx10 Posted July 17, 2005 Share Posted July 17, 2005 Long story short, My ex broke up with me almost a year ago now. We went out for 2 years and everything was perfect. She got scared that things were getting to the point that we would most likely end up getting married soon(which we talked about) and jumped ship. She got to the point in her life where she was confused about herself and hadnt dated many people so was unsure if the love we had was all the love she ever needed. She just plain got scared and ran away. For the past year we havent gone more than 2 weeks without talking to each other. There would be times when she would call me a few days in a row and just found out how me and my family are. For the past year i have tried to get together with her and just hang out (which i made clear). I have dated 2 other people, one for about 2 weeks and the most recent for about 2 months. In the past 2-3 weeks when we have talked it has been different. To the point of flirtation. I know she dated someone for about 6 months and she just broke up with him about 2 months ago. She would accept the invitation to hang out but then the day of she would come up with an excuse and back out. A week ago i asked her to go to a concert that i had an extra ticket to and she was all excited and accepted. She actually followed through and came out last ngiht. We went with my sister and her friends. Things were going great. We were dancing together and i caught her looking at me funny a few times, and she caught me looking at her a few times also. We both got pretty drunk and about half way through the night is where it went sour. we were smoking a cigarette and talking to a few kids. I went to throw out my butt, came back and she was gone. I looked for her for a while and eventually i found her dancing with a different guy than we were talking to. She had her arms around him and they were dancing close. I saw her look over at me a few times but i looked away real fast as if i didnt see her there. I sat back and watched for a bit but it never passed anything but dancing. I went up to her and just told her to make sure before she leaves just to come back to the smoking room and find us that we'll meet her there. A minute later she came over to me and started dancing with me again... then we went and had another butt. She had to goto the bathroom and told me to meet her outside of it. I got sidetracked cause my sisters friend was talking to me and went to the bathroom maybe a minute or 2 late. I lost her again. Looking around, i found her dancing with the same guy again!! I was really mad now. (i actually even threw something at the guys head). i sat back and watched and again it was nothing more than dancing. I went up to her and said that we were over by the bar and she said "wait im coming" I walked away and then looked back. At the point of view i could see it looked like he was putting her number in her phone but i cant be sure. she came back and started dancing with me and spent the next 1/2 hour with me till the concert ended. When we all walked out that guy was standing out on the sidewalk and said something. she walked back and gave him a hug and then walked away. A little later she asked to use my phone to see if her mother called her cause she said she would be home by then. I walked away and she followed me. I think that she was checking to see if that guy had called yet, that is if what i thought i saw earlier was true. After i dropped everyone off i called her and said that she hurt me cause i didnt get to see her half the night. She seemed upset with herself and said she'd call me the next day. She text''d me at 8am but i didnt call her back till later. I said i was sorry for making her feel bad and that she would be jealous too if she saw me dancing with another girl which she agreed. What happened??!??!?!?!? How come all of a sudden when she was drunk she went off and danced with some random guy twice? Was she trying to see my reaction? or was she really just dancing with the guy cause she thought he was cute. I could never picture her just ditching me and dancing with someone totally forgetting about me. I still know and have known for the past year that she is the only girl i want to be with. What do i do from here? Link to post Share on other sites
sanne Posted July 17, 2005 Share Posted July 17, 2005 she's not worth your time anymore. think about it, if you were really into some girl would you spend half the night dancing with some other girl and then getting her # at the end of the night? it's painfully obvious she just doesn't really give a damn about your feelings, just forget about it ok and save yourself the heartache that will inevitably follow. Link to post Share on other sites
markraine Posted July 17, 2005 Share Posted July 17, 2005 she's useless. I would feel horrible if that was me..........good riddance to bad rubbish? I know you've been trying for a long time, but if she was acting that weird with me, I'd just flip her the bird and move on, plenty of girls that won't try to play games with you or mess with your head...............ridiculous.......I really do think she's just using you as a crutch or a support until she grabs onto another guy. Link to post Share on other sites
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