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bf goes crazy after trimming my name down there on him

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I don't understand why boyfriend would get so upset and angry when their gf trims her name down there on him. Earlier today, I asked my bf if I can trim him because he's very lazy to do it and I like them nicely trimmed. He agreed to let me do it. Well, I said, "I'm gonna put my name on there okay?" Then he replied, "No. I don't like it. Don't do it." But I did it anyways as a joke and trim around my name afterwards so the name fades away. But he got so angry with me and yelled at me for "not listening to him." Then I got mad considering it was only a joke and said to him, "I'm just kidding. I'm gonna trim around it too so it'll fade in. Why are you getting so mad anyways? You're acting like it's never gonna grow back!" Then he just kept saying he doesn't care even though it's only me and him who sees it because he just "didn't like it."


I don't understand why he would get so mad over it though. Why would it bother him so much especially when pubs grow back so quickly? Then I said to him, "You know what, I don't know why you're getting so mad over this especially when it grows back in just a few days. Plus, no one else sees it. Unless there's someone else and she would get mad or doesn't know about me. Is there?" After I asked that, he didn't even say no. He only let out this ugly sigh and shook his head.


Well, either way. I don't think I deserved that kind of treatment. By the way, I fixed it and you can't even see my name anymore yet he kept yelling at me pretty much until I decided to grab my dog and go home. My cousin said that it's either he's cheating on me or he's just being a real jackass.


What do you think? Can he possibly be cheating on me?

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Every time I think I have seen the weirdest post and heard the strangest stories, someone else comes and surprises me. Gotta love LS. :love:





Oh my god, that is so hilarious. :lmao:

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Personally I would kick you ass to the curb and bid you good riddance. I mean you said you wanted to do it and he said "NO", but you did it anyhow. WTF?


What if he wanted to do you with two other guys filling up your ass, mouth and cooch and you said "NO" and he went and did it anyway because he thought it would be funny or because it would only be temporary?


You have no respect for him and I would fully expect to be dumped if I were you.


Taking the grandmothers advice "wear clean undies in case you are in an accident" he would be the laughing stock of the paramedics and the hospital--I know.


Does he go to a gym either at school or to work out where he might be (cancel that will be) ridiculed by the other guys in a locker room?



And then to go off on your insecure rant about him cheating---


Sayanara chickee!

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Time to go back there and sincerely apologize for what was a disrespectful action on your part. Although soccorsilly takes his analogies a bit far, it IS correct that what you did violated your bf's physical person, and also his trust in you. And then you disregarded his feelings about it, saying you didn't understand his displeasure and that it therefore must be invalid. And then to jump ahead to accuse him of cheating...????? Wow, that was a big leap. His dislike of the shaving pattern can be 100% explained without recourse to thoughts of "another woman".


Now, say after me, "Darling, I am so sorry for what I did. I see now that it was very disrespectful of me to shave you like that, and I must really have been off my head to ask about you being with someone else. Please forgive me." And then don't pull stunts like that again.

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Originally posted by SoleMate

Time to go back there and sincerely apologize for what was a disrespectful action on your part. Although soccorsilly takes his analogies a bit far...


Yep - he certainly did! Must agree, however, that my first thought was "Can just imagine what sort of reception something like that would get in the football changing rooms."


jacquelyn - would I be right in my guess that you don't have any brothers?


(PS - How on earth did you manage to do it? Presumably you are extremely nimble-fingered, and spelt your name "Jaci". )

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:rolleyes: ROFL!

Being in the medical field this would have caused your b/f great embarrasment in an emergency room had he had to be stripped down due to a trauma!


I can say with certainty there would have been alot of snickers and behind the door laughing had any of us seen it!


Yes i know medical people are wharped! Hey I laugh the most because I am so easily amused! :laugh::bunny:

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I think that what you did as far as the shaving goes was totally uncool. He said he didn't want you to do it. It was in a private area, and it doesn't matter if you two are the only two who are going to see it or not. Men are very sensitive about their genitals--gee, I wonder why? And he told you he didn't want it done and you did it anyway. That really sucks.


And then you invalidate his feelings and make him feel like a chump for being upset, because YOU don't understand it. WTF? Just because you don't understand someone's feelings doesn't mean they are wrong or invalid. You showed your boyfriend no respect whatsoever and a total lack of caring.


Then you compound it by accusing him of cheating. How bad can you screw up in one interaction. Lord.


As others have said, I would expect to be dumped. And you would deserve it. Your whole littel story is one of the worst things I have ever heard that didn't involve cheating or violence. Seriously. Whew.

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OK agreed the analogy went a bit too far but the purpose was to make a point. If someone does not want something done--then it does not get done--end of the conversation.


Sorry if I offended.

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Originally posted by soccorsilly

Sorry if I offended.


You're forgiven! To be honest, my mind's still more taken up with the logistics of it all. Is there a special tiny razor specifically suited to the purpose of shaving in initials?


This makes me nostalgic for the pre-Brazilian days when a trim and straight-forward bikini wax was all that was required. Now you've got to get rid of the lot, or else be prepared to go round sporting little pictures, love-hearts, diamantes, braids or initials if you're hell-bent on hanging onto it.

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Originally posted by jacquelyn

My cousin said that it's either he's cheating on me or he's just being a real jackass.



I think he is cheating, especially because he didn't say "no" when you accused him of cheating. I even think that subconsciously you felt that with your guts, that's why you trimmed your name on him down there. The message was "this is mine", but obviously it isn't just yours.

But it's also possible that someone else (not a girl necessarily) might see his intimate parts and he doesn't feel comfortable if his friends or father or brother sees that. Although I don't see any problem about it. Does he take showers at public places, like pools or gym? If he simply got mad because you didn't listen to him then he has a quirky and stubborn character.

So it's one of these 3 options:

1. he is cheating;

2. He is embarrassed that some buddy or family member will see it;

3. He doesn't like it when it's not his way.

You certainly have tne talent for trimming names down there. A new occupation maybe? :D:p

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Lyndya--there was an ad in Eurpoe for Gucci that featured intricate shaving and the Gucci "G" logo.


It is here--but obvioulsy it is adult content, not X but if we are talking about shaving pubic hair---well then thee is pubic hair.




RP--come on, you are cool with this branding him as her property? I dunno, if I were to let a woman shave me (initials or not) it would have to be be a pretty secure relationship. Just the thought of someone down there with a razor (electric or egads bladed, or even worse straight) that might have an inkling that I am cheating, brings back visions of Lorena Bobbitt!


<--------------crossing legs and wincing in pain simply thinking of it

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Originally posted by RecordProducer

So it's one of these 3 options:

1. he is cheating;

2. He is embarrassed that some buddy or family member will see it;

3. He doesn't like it when it's not his way.

You certainly have tne talent for trimming names down there. A new occupation maybe? :D:p


And perhaps the man has an actual dislike of something he has expressed a dislike of? I know, it appears to be an absurd notion ...

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Originally posted by soccorsilly

Personally I would kick you ass to the curb and bid you good riddance. I mean you said you wanted to do it and he said "NO", but you did it anyhow. WTF?


What if he wanted to do you with two other guys filling up your ass, mouth and cooch and you said "NO" and he went and did it anyway because he thought it would be funny or because it would only be temporary?


You have no respect for him and I would fully expect to be dumped if I were you.


Taking the grandmothers advice "wear clean undies in case you are in an accident" he would be the laughing stock of the paramedics and the hospital--I know.


Does he go to a gym either at school or to work out where he might be (cancel that will be) ridiculed by the other guys in a locker room?



And then to go off on your insecure rant about him cheating---


Sayanara chickee!


well see.. i made sure that the hair were long enough and the ones that i cut were short enough so that my name would only be there for 2 minutes. and it's not that i don't have any respect for him. i do. and no. he doesn't work out.

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Originally posted by lindya


jacquelyn - would I be right in my guess that you don't have any brothers?


nope. none at all.

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Well, like I said earlier, I fixed it after 30 seconds of seeing my name there so it is completely GONE!


And I don't understand why you people think it's so serious that he would leave his relationship of 3 years over something so small. As a matter of fact, he came over to my house at 2AM, knocked on my window thinking that I was no longer mad and asked if he can come in. He apologized for overreacting and reassured me that he isn't cheating. I apologized too for a few seconds of laughters and disrespecting him but also pointed out that it was so quick to be gone that he shouldn't have bit my head off.


And as for how I did it, it's kinda hard to explain but I guess you can say I have nimble fingers.

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Originally posted by jacquelyn

And as for how I did it, it's kinda hard to explain but I guess you can say I have nimble fingers.


You should find better uses for them... he does sound oversensitive, but you should have respected his wishes. And stuck to your word.

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Originally posted by jacquelyn

My cousin said that it's either he's cheating on me or he's just being a real jackass.


What do you think? Can he possibly be cheating on me?


I think you should not listen to your cousin. I think the both of you are being silly.


How would you feel if I took an electric razor and buzzed something onto you, without permission? If your boyfriend got momentarily pissed because you did something to him that you did not have permission to, especially down in his private area, his response is understandable.


I can understand why he let out a sigh when you asked about him cheating after all of this. It is not generally a good idea to joke about cheating.


Next time your boyfriend says not to do something to his body, be sure and listen; it is, after all, his body, and his hair. I'm sure your boyfriend has "joked" around with you before, probably thinking what he did to you was hilarious, while you were left infuriated.

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It was a flagrant violation, he specifically told you not to. That is the end of it.


Originally posted by jacquelyn

And I don't understand why you people think it's so serious that he would leave his relationship of 3 years over something so small.


Camel's nose in the tent. I don't care that I have been with someone for 3 weeks or 3 years, letting something extremely disrespectful slide because of the length of the relationship will ONLY cause you to be taken advantage of more later on.

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I know its off the topic - but regarding medico's seeing the trimmed name..I read in the paper once about a young lady who had to go in to surgery. The doctors discovered that she had coloured her pubic hair downstairs green, and had a tattoo in the form of a sign sayin 'Keep Off the Grass' ! Unfortunately, due to the nature of the operation they had to partially shave her.


She woke up the next morning with a card next to her bed from the surgical staff saying 'Unfortunately, we had to mow your lawn' :D

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Originally posted by Auz

She woke up the next morning with a card next to her bed from the surgical staff saying 'Unfortunately, we had to mow your lawn' :D


... and plant a herbaceous border? :laugh:

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Originally posted by Auz

read in the paper once about a young lady who had to go in to surgery. The doctors discovered that she had coloured her pubic hair downstairs green, and had a tattoo in the form of a sign sayin 'Keep Off the Grass' ! Unfortunately, due to the nature of the operation they had to partially shave her.


She woke up the next morning with a card next to her bed from the surgical staff saying 'Unfortunately, we had to mow your lawn' :D


And this card was written by the surgeon, of course! Or the nurse?

Did you read this in a paper named "Don't believe everything you read"? :D


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